Friday, May 22, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 94

Today's Reading: Luke 7:1-17
(Click on the link to read today's verses if you don't have your bible close by you.)

It seems the centurion was well loved by the people. They were willing to interrupt Jesus on the centurion's behalf. They were willing to interrupt Jesus' day of work to get help for this man. It sounds a lot like intercessory prayer.

That's all praying for others is really. Taking the needs of someone straight to the throne of God. Asking on their behalf because maybe they can't or won't themselves. Take time to pray for someone today.

Father God, remind me of the importance of bringing others to You in prayer.
You paid such a high price to make the way for me to come to You,
remind me to take time to pray for others as You call me to.

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