Friday, May 15, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 87

Today's Scripture: Luke 3:23-38
(Click on the link above to read today's verses.)

Luke gives a list of Jesus' ancestors and I think of all God did to prepare the world for Jesus.

My daughter has been working on a genealogy project for one of her classes. She's been spending time with family members asking questions about our family history. As I listen to her talk about the things she's learning about us, it reminds me of the ways God has moved to bring me to this point in my life.

Think about your own history... how God has woven all of it to bring you to this moment in time. Who has he used to prepare your world for Jesus?

Maybe you could drop them a note today just to say thank you for pointing you towards "The Way."

Thank You for the lengths You went to in my life, Father God,
to prepare me to receive Your Son. Thank You for Your patience,
mercy, kindness, and love. Thank You for the generations of my past
and the ones to come in the future.

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