Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 74

Today's Scripture: Mark 14:1-25
[If you don't have your Bible, click the reference above to read at]

Mark gives us graphic details about the last two days of Jesus' life.

The Passover is a festival of remembrance to build an identity with God's covenant. It affirmed Israel's intimate link with God.

Jesus and the Twelve were sharing a Passover meal when Christ identified His betrayer and explained His broken body and shed blood as the institution of the long promised New Covenant.

Do you identify with Jesus' long promised New Covenant?

In your walk with Jesus, our Lord, does the Lord's Supper help in your realization of the special relationship we have with the Lord?

Father God, tomorrow is Communion Sunday.
Prepare my heart to identify with You in a new way,
through this sacrament.

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