Monday, May 18, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 90

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:1-26
(Don't have a bible handy. Just click on the link to read the scripture.)

Peter and the man with leprosy have something in common. They both realized who they were in the presence of Jesus. How do I know you  might ask? Take a look at how each reacted when they became aware of who Jesus was. Peter fell to his knees. The man with leprosy fell on his face.

I wonder if we realize who we really are without the presence of Jesus? Would we fall to our knees, even as low as putting our face to the ground?

Maybe today is the day to get on our knees.

Lord, Your Word says every knee will bow at Your name.
Bless me with the vision to see You as You really are,
 and the humility to get on my knees before You, today.

Prayer Challenge:
Physically get on your knees or bow down to the ground in front of Jesus, right now. (If you are not in a private place, wait until you are if that is more comfortable.) If you are physically unable to get on the floor, bow as low as you are able in your chair.
Praise Him for who He is: Savior, Great, Good, Healer, Judge, Friend, Counselor...
Whatever you need from Him today, praise Him for that aspect of His character.
Or perhaps you will be moved to confess and repent, once you are on the floor.
Simply getting on the floor before Him is an exercise of faith: faith that He is with you where you are right now, faith that He is who He says He is, faith that He will see and bless your efforts to worship Him.

Note: I was challenged by this spiritual discipline in a Beth Moore study. It was difficult to bring myself to the floor the first few times. But it is an exercise I return to over and over, when I feel Him calling me to bow before Him. It is a proper posture to take before our Savior and King. One that helps keep things in proper perspective.

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