Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sabbath Challenge -- Day 96

Today's Scripture: Luke 8:1-18
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

It's Sunday and maybe we have a little more time to contemplate His word. I read once our hearts have each type of soil in them. Let's consider the soil of our hearts today.

Consider the soil of a path or dirt road. The ground is hard, compacted, not easily broken up. People have helped to make it hard by driving along this road. Do you have a hard place in your heart? Somewhere that has been compacted by the heavy traffic of hurt? Is it possible God's word has bounced like a seed on a path in this area? Consider turning over this area to God. Allow Him to break up what has been hard for so long.

Consider rocky soil. The seed sprouts with much joy but has no root. Heat and harsh weather easily make it wither. In order to grow roots we must remove the rocks. What are the rocks that prevent you from digging deep into the soil?

Consider the thorns. What's choking out God's plan and purpose for you? What life circumstance seems overwhelming, or unchangeable? Are there many small things that choke out God's work in you? Maybe its time to trust the unchangeable to Him. Could it be you need to create some margin in your life?

Consider the good soil and give thanks. Praise Him for roots growing deep and transformation. Be grateful that He has not left you withered or eaten up. Give thanks for the fruit He is producing in you.

Father God, You're Word says that the secrets of Your Kingdom
are given to Your disciples. I place my heart within Your Kingdom, 
reveal its secrets to me. You know my heart better than I, 
why I do what I do. You know the wounds, hurts, and lies 
that keep me from growing in faith. I'm ready to listen,
please speak to me about my heart and spirit.

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