Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 81

Today's Scripture: Luke 1:26-45
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

Can you imagine what was going through Mary's mind after her angelic visitor left? Have I lost my mind? Was it a dream? There was only one way to confirm the message she received. And so she went to see Elizabeth, whose rounding belly could confirm what the angel said.

Receiving a word from God... a message... a leading... often leaves us just like Mary. How do we confirm what we feel God is speaking to us? How do we know we didn't dream it up ourselves? Mary's faith and wondering pushed her to take a journey to Elizabeth's. She could have waited around to see if her own predicted pregnancy was real. She could have pushed it to the back of her mind... considered herself "off."

What journey is God leading you to take? Sometimes exercising faith is taking the first step to follow where the Spirit is leading. What step can you take today?

Lord, You know what You've been speaking to me.
You know what I've been reluctant to hear and
You know the reason why I have yet to take the first step.
Bless me with the faith and encouragement to move, by faith,
on what I hear You speak, by faith.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for,
and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV84

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