Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 100

Today's Scripture: Luke 9:28-56
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

"Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down and consume them?" James and John asked. It made me smile when I read it. Really? Asking for fire to consume Samaria. Feels a little dramatic don't you think? They remind me of two boys trying out their new power. Jesus wasn't about using power for power's sake. He never used it to bend others to His will... make them believe or love Him.

Jesus could have demanded obedience. He could have called fire down from heaven on all those who refused His message. Instead he carried a cross, climbed up on it, and paid the ultimate price. Let's make this day a day of thanksgiving for the price paid to set us free.

Father God, thank You for sending Jesus,
so I can see Your heart of love, mercy, and compassion.
Continue to work in me, so I can love others like You do,
especially those who do not measure up to what I think
they ought to be.

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