Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 93

Today's Scripture: Luke 6:27-49
(Click on the link for today's verses.)

The definition of the word lend means to give temporarily... to give with the condition that it will be returned. Jesus said, "Lend expecting nothing in return."

I find this hard at times. I don't even do something for one of my children without expecting a Thank you.

When we give and do with expectation, is it really giving? Pay attention today when you expect something in return for what you give.

Father God, so much of what You teach through Jesus is upside down to the ways of the world: Love your enemy... do good to those who hate you... bless those who curse you... take another slap on the cheek... don't ask for things back that have been taken from you (as in stolen)... Your love and Your way takes a lot of dying to self and a changing of perspective from all I've been taught by my parents, family, friends, teachers. Teach me to see things differently, not only in my expectation of giving, but in everything I do.

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