Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sabbath Challenge -- Day 82

Today's Scripture: Luke 1:46-66
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

Mary's visit with Elizabeth confirms all the angel said. Elizabeth says, "Blessed is she who believed..." Mary is moved to praise.

Is there a better day than Sunday to give God praise? Maybe we have a little more time today... to remember... to recall... to rejoice...

...give praise for a time when God showed you favor.
...give praise for some great thing he has done for you.
...give praise for the mercy he has shown those you love.
...give praise for the times he has fed your hunger.
...for his helping... his strength... his power.

...give praise for the promises he has made and kept in your life.

Praise the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits...
Psalm 103:2 NIV84

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