Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 91

Today's Scripture: Luke 5:27-6:5
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

Questions. So many questions. Why do you eat with sinners? Why don't your guys fast and pray? And why are your disciples working on the Sabbath? I don't think the questions came from curiosity or a heart honestly seeking truth. Still Jesus answered with truth.

The scripture says, "Ask and you shall receive." What question would you ask Jesus, if he were sitting on your couch with you? Why not ask him now.

You already know every question, doubt, and fear in my heart, Jesus.
Bless me with the boldness to speak them to You in prayer.
Open my ears to hear the answer, rebuke, or encouragement.
Prepare me to receive Your truth wholeheartedly.

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