Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 154

Today's Scripture: John 11:17-37
[Expect an epiphany! Open up your Bible to make a note. Or click the above reference to read online and be prepared to start a digital journal in your word processor.]

"I am the resurrection and the life. ..." ---Jesus
John 11:25

Some of those who consoled Mary and Martha in the death of their brother doubted Jesus's love for them... Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man also have kept this man from dying? 

If we were part of the crowd, we too might have asked, Why didn't He come sooner? Why didn't He heal Lazarus with just a word, as He has others? We know He doesn't have to be present to heal. He let him die. Is that love?

Sometimes, God lets something He loves die, in order to resurrect it to new life.

We know the story of Jesus, by now. Father God allowed Him to die a horrible death on a cross, the sole purpose to resurrect Him for His glory and to make the way for eternal life for all who believe. 

The spiritual healing Jesus brings us through His death and resurrection is far greater than any healing He did for people physically. After all, what happened to Lazarus after he was physically revived? Did he live forever? No, he died... again.

God loves all whom He created and longs to resurrect them to real life --- eternal life --- something better than we have now. I believe He does this with other areas of life, too. Perhaps we have to let things die, rather than holding on desperately. Because just maybe, He wants to resurrect it to something greater.

He is the resurrection and the life of people, hopes, dreams, churches, relationships, ministries. All things come under His power.

What are you clinging to that just might need to die? Or maybe it's already dead, you just haven't realized it.

Ask Him to show you what needs to die in your life that He wants to resurrect for His glory.

Lord, I praise You as the Resurrection and the Life.
I trust You today with my hopes, dreams, relationships,
endeavors, and desires. Show me which ones need to die,
enable me to let them go, so I can see You 
resurrect them to something greater.

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