Friday, September 30, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's passage: 1 John 5:1-12
[Click the reference above to read online at]

Saving faith can be defined as actively trusting one's self to God. When we trust God and receive the salvation He offers through His Son Jesus, we show our love for Him by obeying His commands.

In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands.
And his commands are not burdensome...
1 John 5:3

Obedience to God's commands is confirmation of salvation. His command is that we love one another (1 John 4:21), and the amazing thing about trusting God and receiving salvation is that in this new life it is not hard for us to love others. The command is not burdensome.

Is it hard for you to love your brothers and sisters in Christ? Maybe it's time to check how much of your self you are trusting to Him.
Thought for today: If we love God we will observe His commandments and they are not burdensome.
O God, thank You for Your blessed assurance of salvation and hope.
We trust in You and You alone.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's Scripture: 1 John 4:7-21
[Read the Word before you read what's below. Click the reference to read online.]

The central reality of the revelation of God's love is made plain in Christ. Those born of God find His love reproduced in their love for one another. Love is born in each one by the work of God. When we receive God's love as revealed in Jesus, our inner being is awakened to love.

God proved His love on the cross. Christ died that all might live through Him, for Him, with Him. Christians are expected to love each other for Jesus's sake and because they have experienced the love of God through Him.

Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. But we only love because He first loved us. His commandment is the goal of His love, transformation of hearts in order to love one another as He loves us.
Thought for today: God's love has the power to awaken love in the inner being of everyone.
Almighty God, thank You for manifesting Your love within us.
Thank You for Your abiding Spirit so we may know that You
indeed dwell within us.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's verses: 1 John 4:1-6
[Open up your Bible or click the reference above to read the verses.]

Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. The spirit of the antichrist is not going to confess that Jesus is from God.

The world listens to those who have the same viewpoint as the world. Whoever listens to the writings of the apostles in the Word of God sees things from a different perspective. They are rejected by the world. The world will not listen to them.

So when testing the spirit of what you hear and read consider first what they believe about Jesus and second if they are in agreement with the Word. Test every spirit and reject the ideas and teachings of those who do not pass the test, for they are false prophets and liars.

This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.
1 John 4:6

And don't fear those who reject you, even if you seem far outnumbered, because the One who is in you is far greater than the one who is in the world.
Thought for today: Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. Do not give Yourself over to Satan's accusations.
Dear God, help us to listen and know Your Spirit stands by
to help us discern truth from lies.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's verses: 1 John 3:11-24
[Click the link above to read online.]

Jesus set the standard for love, for He laid down His life for all. Love calls for action and truth. When we truly have the love of God in us, we are moved by the brother or sister in need and willingly surrender our possessions for their comfort. His love in us causes us to act.

God's Spirit is a living witness within and the cause for a living fellowship with God. The secret of answered prayer is obeying God and seeking to please Him. By doing so Believers abide in Him and when one abides in Him, they can pray with power.

The indwelling Holy Spirit yearns to unite all Believers in a wonderful fellowship of love and a spirit of unity. Always seek to yield to the Spirit and obey His Word.
Thought for today: Out of love Christ willingly laid down His life for us.
Dear Lord, help us live in the Spirit of unity always yielding to Your Spirit. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1 John

Today's reading: 1 John 2:28 - 3:10
[Open the Word. Click above to read online.]

Being born of God behooves the Believer to practice God's righteousness. There will be fellowship with God because His seed abides within. The Christian will not deliberately break God's law or defy God's Word.

Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). Not only has God's love been revealed, He has given the gift of life --- eternal life. The Day of the Lord will come like a thief, yet God does not want anyone to perish. He is patient, wanting everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9-10).

When the Day of the Lord comes the heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire. And the earth and everything in it will be laid bare (2 Peter 3:10).

Anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, neither the one who does not love his brother. Abide in Him with confidence and practice righteousness. Now we are children of God and when He appears we shall be like Him.
Thought for today: We are children of God and His seed abides within so that we can fellowship with Him.
O, Lord God, what love! You have bestowed Your heavenly blessings abundantly! 

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1 John

Today's Scripture: 1 John 2:18-27
[Read the passage before what's written below. Click the link above to read online.]

A Believer in fellowship with God has an anointing. They read and understand the Bible as they are taught by the Spirit. God reveals Himself by His Word lest one be led astray. God himself is present with each one. His inner Spirit authenticates and confirms truth by the Holy Spirit who uses the Word of God to communicate God's Truth. Grace.

Jesus is the Christ. To deny this truth marks a person as a liar who does not accept the truth. Such a person is the "antichrist." They deny Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Do not depend solely on human teachers but know for yourself what Scripture teaches. When the antichrist denies Jesus is the Christ, know that the last hour has come. He will deny the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; but whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father, also. Remain in Him.
Thought for today: The Holy Spirit confirms God's Truth and communicates by His Holy Word.
Holy Father, Your guiding truths help us know You and Your ways.
Help us be prepared for the last hour that is to come. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1 John

Sometimes things just fall through the cracks and the posting of this week's devotionals was a mistake on my part. Sorry for the delay.--Stacy

Today's verses: 1 John 2:7-17
[Read the passage in your Bible or click the reference above to read online at]

Human society with all its godless values cannot stand the test of eternity. Things of the world system seduce the instincts and desires that spring from our sinful nature.

Believers are to love one another as forgiven children of God our Father. We become stronger in the faith as spiritual insight develops as members of God's family. Our sins have been forgiven and we have power to overcome the evil one.

Arrogance caused by possessions or trying to impress others is worldliness. It is contrary to godliness and does not come from God. Do not turn your confidence away from Jesus.

John lectures: Dear children, you have known the Father and the Word of God lives in you. The things of the world are not lasting. They pass away. But doing the will of God will bring you to live forever by the power of the indwelling Word.
Thought for today: The true light keeps us from stumbling.
 Father, thank You for forgiving our sins and making us strong
through Your abiding Word.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's verses: 1 John 1:1 - 2:6
[Open up the Word today. Click on the reference above or get your Bible.]

Concepts of light and love are introduced as part of exploring the fellowship Believers can have both with God and each other. It is a unique experience of shared life. John's pastoral letter is intended to provide comfort and guidance as he writes warmly and urgently.

He emphasizes a real fellowship with God and intimate sharing with others. Light speaks of a spiritual reality. A reality that enables Christians to live in accordance with an inner joy.

The realization that all have sinned and the reality of God's grace and love can motivate Christians to realize the transforming power of forgiveness.

The more willing one is to follow God's commands, the more one can grasp the evidence that we do know Jesus. His love is not just some abstract concept, but rather can find expression through obedience to God.
Thought for today: The basis of the Christian life is both obedience and love for God's inspired Word and love for others.
Dear loving Father, teach us to live the kind of life that is consistent
with fellowship with God in Christ.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's verses: 2 Peter 3:14-18
[Click above to read online if you find yourself without a Bible.]

The teaching of the Prophets and Apostle's was/is viewed as authoritative. But are people motivated to godliness in preparation for the move into the new and lasting world? As we look at the world today, does it appear that biblical teaching is taken as truth? Or is it being distorted to the individual's destruction?

Be on your guard lest you fall from your secure position in the Lord. Grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Remain faithful until He returns.

Feed on the Holy Word, pray, and exercise faithful obedient living by the knowledge and grace of the Lord. Learn and live the Word in relationship with Him daily.
Thought for today: Be on your guard lest you be found distorting the Scriptures and thus fall into destruction.
Lord, have mercy and help us to be faithful in godly living and knowledge.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's passage: 2 Peter 3:1-13
[If possible, open your Bible today. You might want to make note of something. Otherwise, click the reference above to read online.]

What will the future hold for those who find this world so attractive? God has called Believers to live holy lives. It is God's desire to see that all have an opportunity for repentance, not wanting anyone to perish. God's timing is His alone in view of the coming destruction of the world. Nothing of this universe will remain when God judges.

The Christian can look forward to a new heaven and a new earth. But unbelievers will scoff and forget that there was a Genesis flood as an act of divine judgment. When the day of judgment comes the world will be destroyed by fire.

Peter speaks of a roaring crackling sound as the physical elements that compose the universe melt in disintegrating volcanic heat. Nothing of the universe will remain when God judges. Only righteousness will carry over into the new heaven and earth He will create.
Thought for today: Remember who you are and Whose you are. Through the word spoken by the Prophets and Apostles, and the commandments we have been given knowledge of the godly way.
Lord, may the guidance of Your Holy Spirit make that which is true
and that which is false clear to us.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Scripture: 2 Peter 2
[Click the reference above to read online at]

Peter identifies two indicators of false teachers. They follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and they despise authority. Their shameless and daring arrogance shows their lack of understanding of that which is spiritual.

False teachers are destructive as they are able to seduce the unstable. They are controlled by their animal instincts by being sinful and greedy.

Believers have been delivered from the sinful world to live holy lives. How are they to escape the heresy of the world? Keep on teaching and learning sound doctrine, know the truth by the study of the divinely inspired Scripture.

God the Holy Spirit will reveal clearly the contrast between the false and the true. The testimony of transformed lives and the testimony of the Scriptures help to confirm the Truth.
Thought for today: Know the Truth for it will set you on the right path.
Heavenly Father, the lawlessness of our world brings deception to unstable souls. Strengthen our faith and purpose, lest we be tempted and led astray.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21
[Open up your Bible or open up the link above to read today's passage.]

The Word of God is the only dependable light we have in this world. God's Word is from God. It is not of human origin. The Prophets were carried along, guided by the Holy Spirit. They opened their lives to God. We should too. We can be inspired by their being an eyewitness to His mystery.

Peter views the Scriptures as being more certain than experience. Because paying attention to the Word will provide light and guidance in our very present dark world.

Christ is the Day Star to the Church. The Day Star will arise and take His people home. The Spirit gave the Word and the Spirit must teach the Word. The ideas of humankind cannot be depended on. Judgment and healing come through Christ, the Son of Righteousness.
Thought for today: The Holy Spirit guided the Prophets of old, and through Christ the Spirit opens the way for God's truth to be known today.
Direct us, O holy Creator, by Your light.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's reading: 2 Peter 1:1-15
[Click the reference above to read online.]

Peter urges the Christian believer to make their calling and election sure. He stresses the importance of continuing to trust the Scriptures. Through the enduring and living Word of God, Christians have received new birth.

God has actually, through Jesus Christ, planted His own life in the Christian believer. Therefore, we share His nature. How astounding is this? One can escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. And now, be enabled to live productive godly lives.

In his letter, Peter lists how one is to bring harmony in their inner spirit by these qualities: faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. These qualities growing and enriching our lives keep us from being ineffective and unproductive. They demonstrate not only to ourselves but to others that God has called us to Himself.
Thought for today: We have the Prophetic Word to help us live holy lives.
Lord Jesus, help us to diligently seek Your guidance to live fruitful lives
in Your Spirit of love, trusting Your Word.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Scripture: 1 Peter 5
[Open up the Word by clicking the link above or open your Bible.]

Christian leadership calls for leading by example. Peter encourages servanthood and mutual responsibility as service to the Lord. Leaders are to guard God's flock while displaying a submissive attitude as an expression of trusting oneself to God.

A godly life and sacrificial service are to be our manner of service as we submit to Jesus Christ, our Chief Shepherd. Willing humble service is to be the way of all Believers, because of His grace and for His glory.
Thought for today: Voluntarily serve the will of God, not for gain, but because of a loving heart.
Gracious God, help us to remain humble while serving You.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Reading: 1 Peter 4:12-19
[Read online by clicking the reference above or open up your Bible to read.]

Scripture plainly teaches that we are to participate in the sufferings of Christ. Yet, suffering for being a Christian is not something we speak of much in America. Peter elaborates on God's grace in suffering for His name. We should expect trials and rejoice in them for He is with us.

Peter says those who suffer because of His name are blessed, but the blessing might not be evident until Jesus returns. For Christians to accept God's will without asking Why? in the midst of suffering calls for a deep trust and a firm faith.

How will you apply trust to your own life as you daily surrender to God and obey His Word?
Thought for today: Rejoice! Because the Spirit of God's glory rests upon His chosen ones.
God, may Your will be done as we entrust our souls to You, our faithful Creator.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Scripture: 1 Peter 4:1-11
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

From a human point of view Jesus' death was a terrible injustice. But from God's perspective it was in accordance with His plan. Christ, our example, chose God's will voluntarily and accepted suffering.

We all will have to give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. Shall one submit to the will of God then reject living a godly life? No. We are to live godly, according to God's will, led by the Spirit. By faith we believe that there will ultimately be good results.

Jesus could have escaped the cross. But by His act of submission to God's will, He brought a blessing. We can be guided to do the right thing by God's will also. For we can be confident that His will is the pathway to spiritual blessings in our lives as well. For when we serve with our spiritual gifts, we can do so with the strength God provides. Give Him the praise and glory.
Thought for today: By faith we can be confident that God will lead us by His ever present Spirit.
God, help us to seek your will in our daily living... Amen.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 3:8-22
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Peter would say God uses suffering to purify one's faith and help Christians experience His presence in their lives. Christ suffered wrongly, but God honored Him and gave Him glory. Christ died to bring Believers into relationship with God. Keep a good conscience toward God in submission to Him. Even if it means suffering for doing good.

Suffering is never easy for Christians, but be assured that God is in control when suffering comes. God loves us and permits suffering for our good. Rather than complain, rejoice when suffering for His sake.

Peter describes the good life (righteousness) as unity, brotherly love, compassion, and humility. Concentrate on doing good; God will take care of the results.
Thought for today: Always be ready to give an account for the hope that is within you.
Lord our Savior, we are blessed that you enable us to be alive in the Spirit. Help us live godly lives... Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 3:1-7
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

Christian theology teaches marriage is a partnership. Growth challenges not only knowledge of the other person but growth in the knowledge of the Lord as well. There is a spiritual depth that marriage provides the husband and wife as heirs together of the grace of God. It is enhanced by praying together and not simply living together in mutual love and respect.

But what if the home is divided? That is, what if one or the other is not a Christian? This is hard. I observed first hand this situation as I was growing up. My parents were good people---but I sensed there was something lacking as they interacted.

No doubt my mom's Christian commitment suffered as she endured much less happiness and joy. Peter admonishes the partners to be devoted both to each other and the Lord. Will this solve all their differences? Of course not. Marriage is after all a covenant with humans involved.

Peter also addresses behavior that would be fashionable or going to worldly extremes. These all call attention to the self and challenges one's devoted Christian witness. Peter directed thought instead to beauty that comes from within.
Thought for today: God our Father gives us a gentle, quiet spirit and teaches us what to value as precious.
Father, lead us to seek to live in harmony with everyone with a kindhearted, humble spirit... Amen.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 2:13-25
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Peter speaks to household slaves to show submission to their masters. Human institutions are not without fault. Honor human authority. Christians should do nothing that would call for punishment and behave godly without retaliating.

What about behavior in the work place today? Sometimes unsaved supervisors are unreasonable. It takes real grace when you have no power or authority over a situation... sometimes the boss may even be a Christian. What to do? In suffering, small or large, the Christian is encouraged to look to Jesus as the example.

Jesus set a perfect example. He was even condemned wrongfully. He did not argue and he never fought back. He never used abusive language even as His accusers abused Him. He endured and glorified God. We are not in Heaven yet---we are still strangers and pilgrims submitting to many earthly requirements. The Christian's word, attitude, and deeds do not go unnoticed. 
Thought for today: Our God judges us righteously. May we always seek His wisdom and entrust our ways unto Him.
Thank you God for Christ who bore our sins on the cross and enables us to do that which is right. Amen.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Link: 1 Peter 2:1-12
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

There is a song we used to sing to help the incarcerated youth we worked with realize how special they are: "God Danced the Day You Were Born." Believers are chosen and precious to God, but in the world we are like strangers. We are to live a truly consecrated holy way of life. We are to reflect the character of the Lord in all that we do as we are set apart by His presence.

Christ's guidance teaches and leads one into righteousness. It is by God's dynamic power that we are freed to live a righteous, godly life. No malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, nor slander... as these things only war against our soul. They will only interfere with faithful living.

How is this to be? God's righteousness comes through the faithfulness of Jesus Christ for those of us who put our faith in Him.
Thought for today: Through Jesus Christ we are made acceptable to God for He has been made the cornerstone.
Heavenly Father, I give thanks that it is by your Spirit we have been called out of darkness into light... Amen.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-25
(Click on the link to read the verses for today.)

Trials can challenge the genuineness of our Christian faith like no other. How are Believers to meet suffering? Peter pictures trials that Believers endure as the intense heat used to refine gold (1 Peter 1:6-7). Through suffering we can be led to a deep awareness of our relationship with God. Grace is given as Jesus is revealed. We can never dismiss God's call to holy living. Our lives should give evidence of the living presence of the Divine.

We live in hope through the living and enduring Word of God in Christ which will stand forever. The greatest evidence is the unexplained joy we can know despite all kinds of trials. Our faith and living hope is in God who gives us new life through the blood of Jesus. It is His sacrifice that redeems us from our old way of living. This wonderful promise of redemption is made possible through His Spirit.
Thought for today: Jesus is indeed the shepherd and guardian of our soul.
Lord, it is our desire to find favor for conscience sake and to honor You who suffered for us. Help us follow in Your footsteps... Amen.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Reading: 1 Peter 1:1-12
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, wrote this letter when the church was entering an era of persecution. Christians were scattered throughout the Roman Empire. He wanted to offer words of hope, a call to holiness, and an explanation of the role of suffering in Christian experience. How often have you witnessed the question of "why one must suffer"--- especially in the face of severe illness of one who appears to be a faithful Christian?

Many Believers live under pressure in their daily lives. It seems Peter's letter could be viewed as a letter to Christians facing trials everywhere, even today. Peter writes of a "living hope" that no circumstance can extinguish. Because this hope is based upon one's faith and spiritual realities.

The resurrection of Jesus guarantees Christians an inheritance reserved for them in heaven. Salvation comes by the work of the Spirit and is expressed as obedience to God. It is experienced now as the salvation of your soul, but has been promised for ages. It comes by the sanctifying work of the Spirit.
Thought for today: Salvation begins here and now. Not everyone realizes that this is so now because of Christ's redeeming activity.
Father, thank You for delivering us into Your glory by the sacrifice of your Son... Amen.