Monday, August 31, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
(If you don't have a Bible close, just click on the link.)

It all began when our preacher talked about this verse not too long ago. Since that time I keep reading and rereading it. I'm fascinated with Philip. I'm even more enamored with how the Holy Spirit moved in Philip's life.

The first verse grabs my attention: God calling Philip to a desolate place. Some versions say a "wilderness road." I wonder... am I willing to go into the wilderness, the untamed, the dangerous just because God asks. Would I go the way less traveled? Am I on the narrow path?

There in the wilderness is someone who needs to hear God's Word. Philip's obedience to go and "climb up in the chariot" opens the door for God to move. A heart was changed that day. A soul saved... entering the waters of baptism.

And if that weren't enough to keep me in awe, the Spirit takes Philip off to the next place. I want to be like Philip. I want to go into the wilderness of my community and world. I want to climb up into chariots and restaurant booths and slides and share the gospel. I want to witness hearts changed and souls saved. I want the Spirit to move me to the next place without my resistance or fear or hesitation.

Lord, so many times I just don't want to go to the wilderness. Forgive me for those times when I choose the comfortable path. I want to be a part of your plan... to climb up in the chariots of today and share your word. I want to see hearts moved and lives changed by your Spirit.
In Jesus name... amen.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Reading: Acts 8:9-25
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

Simon the wizard is now Simon the Believer. Just when you think his life of tricking people for money is over it shows itself again. He wants what Peter has. He wants to be able to do the things Peter is doing. This power would put him over the top... make him so much money.

Peter realizes it and says, "I can see this is an old habit with you."

Some things just hang on. Old habits are hard to break and sometimes we don't even realize what we are doing. What old habit seems to be hanging around you lately? What is God calling you to do with this old thing?

Lord, cleanse me completely of all the shadows
and habits of my past unbelief. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 7:54-8:8
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

Did you notice who held the coats of those who threw the stones? Saul... the same one we call Paul now. The same man who wrote so many of the letters we read in the New Testament. Before his Damascus road experience, take a look at the kind of man he was.
The ringleaders took off their coats and asked a young man named Saul to watch them.
Saul was right there, congratulating the killers. 
And Saul just went wild, devastating the church, entering house after house after house, dragging men and women off to jail. 

Consider your own sins. If God can use a man like Saul, He can use you... and me. This is the good news of the Gospel. This is the wonder working power of the God who saves!

Lord Jesus, bless me with the faith to fully walk
in the fullness of salvation You have provided.
I do not want to let my past keep me paralyzed with guilt.
I want to boldly serve You and Your Kingdom
according to Your call on my life.

There is therefore now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1 ESV

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Verses: Acts 7:28-53
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)
“And you continue, so bullheaded! Calluses on your hearts, flaps on your ears! Deliberately ignoring the Holy Spirit,"
Stephen's accusations bring me to my own questions:

    Is there something I'm being stubborn about... even bullheaded?

    Are there places in my heart that are hard?

    Where am I refusing to listen... to hear God's voice?

    Am I deliberately ignoring the Holy Spirit in some area of my life?

Father God, tender my heart to Your conviction.
Make me sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Reveal where I have put together my own religious programs,
and completely wandered from Your Way.
I do not want to miss Jesus.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Beyone the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 7:1-27
(Don't have a Bible handy? Just click on the link.)

Here Stephen stands before the council, looking like an angel, and the leader asks, "What do you have to say for yourself?" He had been charged of speaking against God and Moses. Witnesses lied and gave false testimony. This was Stephen's chance to set things straight... to call those out who lied about him. This is the point where Stephen had the opportunity to tell of all the good things he was doing. How many were healed. The number of miracles God had performed through Stephen.

But that's not the path Stephen chose. Instead he begins to tell the leaders what they already know. He starts with Abraham and continues in these verses to Moses. What kind of defense is this? Where is Stephen going with this?

Think about the times you've defended yourself. In the end, did it come out the way you wanted? Did it convince anyone really? Could it be that the best defense is God's Word... His story not ours?

Lord, to know Your Word --- the Word made flesh ---
is to know my defense. He alone makes me righteous.
Bless me with a desire to be in Your Word
and to discover Jesus from Genesis to Revelation.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 6:8-15
(Click the link above to read today's verses.)

Stephen was doing wonderful things. He was full of wisdom and clearly the Holy Spirit was doing a mighty work through him. Why is it so many get stirred up when something like this happens? The men were so stirred up they were willing to bribe and lie to stop what Stephen was doing. It was their attempt to take control of this situation.

I've been stirred up the last few days. Worried and anxious about things that are out of my control. Frustrated with the circumstances in which I find myself. Stephen wasn't stirred up. Stephen knew who was in control. A reminder to me that all this worrying and frustration is not God's plan. When I take a moment to refocus on Him, I realize all this stirred up stuff inside of me is my need to find some kind of control... a need to fix what I can't fix.

Is there something keeping you stirred up lately? Maybe today is the day to refocus on the One who is in control and trust Him with it.

Lord, I praise You for Your sovereignty,
Your control over every circumstance and situation.
I praise You for Your wisdom and knowledge,
the working out of Your purpose through what I don't understand.
Today, I choose to trust You and rest in the truth that You know Your purpose and plan.
You are not stirred up or surprised by the happenings in the world.
I trust You.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Reading: Acts 6:1-7
(No Bible handy? Just click on the link.)

The church was growing exponentially which meant the way things were done needed to grow, too. At one point the twelve leaders could pretty much handle everything, but not anymore. The twelve had a clear vision of what their role in the church was... to teach and preach. Since there were other issues to handle, it was time to expand the leadership within the church.

Growth equals change when it comes to ministry. I've experienced it a lot when it comes to our Wednesday children's ministry. When we reached forty I realized the current program was not going to meet our needs and so we changed. We changed it again at 60... and again to meet the needs of 150. What we did with kids seven years ago looks totally different than what we do now. And even though how we run the program may look different, the focus is still the same. Our vision to provide opportunities for children to grow in their relationship with Jesus through his Word and relationships with others has not changed.

Most of us don't like change. We would be content to keep doing the same thing exactly like we've done for years. We think, "If it worked then, it will work now." But, when it comes to growth, change is unavoidable. The twelve leaders were willing to embrace the need for change and find a solution to the issue facing the new church.

Take a look at the result...
The Word of God prospered. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased dramatically. Not least, a great many priests submitted themselves to the faith.
Father God, remind me that growth does not occur without change.
Prepare my heart for change. Teach me to see change as a positive sign of growth.
But in it all, Your Word and call to love others never changes.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 5:17-42
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Gamaliel was a very wise man. Instead of letting his emotions get the best of him, he took a logical approach to the situation. He reminded the others that several men had led people astray, but when they died so did the movement.
"... If this program or this work is merely human, it will fall apart, but if it is of God, there is nothing you can do about it—and you better not be found fighting against God!”
He had this wait and see mentality. If it was not God, the movement would come to an end. If it was God then he did not want to be working against it. Basically... time would tell.

Some two thousand years later it is still going. According to Gamaliel's test, this Jesus movement is the real deal. Are there areas in your life where you are using the wait and see approach? Do you find it hard to wait expectantly? What do we do during the wait?

Lord, bless me with the wisdom to keep me from rushing in 
and judging fellow Believers' ways when they don't meet my expectations 
of  citizens living in Your Kingdom. I choose to trust You in these situations.
I will wait on You to provide the proof of authenticity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 5:1-16
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

I'll be honest. This passage of Scripture gets me every single time. It just doesn't fit with my description of God. To consider God using death to teach a lesson or use someone as an example leaves me shaking in my boots. I keep asking, "Where's the grace... the forgiveness... the second chance?"

So what do you do when Scripture doesn't fit with what you think?

How do I reconcile this with what I believe is the character and nature of God? This may sound naïve, but I just don't go there. I'm not saying God won't answer my questions about this Scripture one day, but it doesn't have to be today, or tomorrow, or ever.

We serve a God who is so much more than we can ever imagine. Just like a child doesn't always understand the ways of a parent, we don't always understand the ways of God. Still, it doesn't change who He is. It doesn't change the truth of His word.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts." --Isaiah 55:8-9  
Would we really want to serve a God who was easily understandable, always predictable, never supernatural? I'm so thankful His thoughts and ways are higher than mine.

Lord, Your name Most High describes not only Your physical power
but every aspect of who You are: Your intellect, Your understanding,
Your vision, plan, and purpose. You are Most High in every way.
Open my heart to humbly receive You as Most High, let this truth
expand my ability to worship You and trust You with all things.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Reading: Acts 4:23-37
(Click on the link if you don't have a bible handy.)

Why the big noise, nations?
Why the mean plots, peoples?

Earth’s leaders push for position,
Potentates meet for summit talks,
The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers!

I find myself asking similar questions lately. What's all the noise in our nation about really? Why in the world would someone do that? What leader is in position now? Which one should I place my trust in? National leaders meeting, planning, making decisions that effect those they lead. I hear those who deny God's existence... those who have chosen science or some other god. I don't have any answers to the questions. It feels overwhelming and the noise can drown out the voice of God at times. 

In the face of all this I find myself on my knees doing exactly what the early followers did. Just like them, I realize I have no control over these things. But, I know the one who does. God is sovereign and that alone gives me hope.

Father God, the only fear I want to be filled with is
"fear of the Lord." Remind me, You are the Almighty,
the Most High. There is none greater than You, 
no need to fear any power in this world.
You reign and in Your Sovereignty, in Your unfailing love,
You work all things for the good of those who love You
and pursue Your purpose. I'm so glad I know You!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 4:1-22
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

"We can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard."

When I close my eyes I can almost feel the energy overflowing from Peter and John. I've felt that same energy. There are times when God teaches me something new... shows me something incredible and I just can't be quiet about it. I have this urge to tell someone,"Look what God showed me today!"

It's like there's this bubbling deep down inside I can't contain. I've seen the same energy in people of all ages. Like Peter and John, when the Holy Spirit moves in you, you can't keep quiet. Not we refuse to keep quiet or we won't keep quiet. But, we CAN'T. There's just no way, even if we tried.

We. Just. Can't!

What has God shown you... healed in you... changed in you that moves you to say, "I can't keep quiet about what I've seen and heard!"

 Lord, You are a God of wonders.
Fill me anew with Your wonderful ways
so I can't keep quiet.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 3:11-26
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

It was a day like any other. People going to prayer meetings. Entering the gates to the Temple meant you had to pass him by. The one begging because his legs didn't work. It happened so often nobody expected anything different. Surely none expected what happened. No one probably even gave it a second thought. In their wildest imagination he would have never been dancing in the Temple.

That's just like God... to do what no one expected. God is a God of going far beyond what we can imagine or even dream up.

What have you been dreaming up lately? Does it seem impossible or unlikely? Is it time to expect the unexpected?

Lord, for You all things are possible.
Let me never forget.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 2:42-3:10
(Read today's verses by clicking the link above.)

The formation of the early church didn't happen because a group of theologians got together and came up with a plan to create a church. It began with Peter inspired to speak by the Holy Spirit. I'm pretty sure Peter didn't have policies, plans, or even a membership roll. I wonder as he fell asleep that night if he considered the 3000 new followers and tried to figure out what to do next. How would he minister to that many? Where would they worship? Should there be some organization?

Being the church seemed simple:
They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
In my own words they studied God's word, spent time together, broke bread together, and talked to God. They shared and took care of each other. They worshipped daily. Church was that simple. It still is when you get right down to it.

How are you doing as a part of the church? Is there some area God might be calling you to invest more time?

Lord, forgive us for making Church more complicated than it should be.
Forgive me for neglecting Your teachings and Your people.
Forgive me for not sharing with others my time and resources.
Forgive me for not spending time with You in prayer.
Open my heart to the basics of living in Your Kingdom.
Grow me as part of the Church.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Beyond the Gospel: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 2:14-41
(No Bible handy...? Just click on the link to read today's verses.)

Is this man the same Peter we saw just a few verses ago? The same one who sank into the sea, couldn't stay awake to pray, and denied he even knew Jesus? How does a man go from that to what we see today in the Scriptures? It reminds me of those before and after pictures we see all the time. Peter went from unable to able in an instant and gives his first sermon. He spoke boldly with such power some 3000 turned to follow Jesus.

Methodists call it sanctification. A big word for the grace that draws us closer to God everyday. It's very definition signifies a before... and an after. What would your spiritual life before and after picture look like? How has the Holy Spirit changed you over time? How is God changing you today?

Lord, only You make me able through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Bless me with faith to accept my ability to act in Your name.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 2: 1-13
[Click on the link to read today's scripture.]

I walked into a local business not too long ago and the owner is wearing one of those rubber bracelets with the message It's Personal on it. I have noticed others wearing items with the saying so I asked, "Hey what's this It's Personal thing?" My friend shares with me how God inspired Him to use the phrase It's Personal as a way to share the gospel with others.

Luke's account of Pentecost reminds me just how personal it is. The Holy Spirit not only descends on a the community of Believers but rested on each one there. Each one spoke in a different language, but all gifts of the same Spirit. How awesome it is that God is a God of all and makes it personal at the same time. I'm in awe at the very thought of it.

Think for a moment about how God has made Himself known to you in a personal way. What does it feel like to know It's Personal?

Want to know more about It's Personal. Here's the link: It's Personal

Lord, You made it personal through incarnation.
You, as a baby, entering in our lives, entering our world.
I invite You, now, to enter my personal world.
Bless me with Your Spirit in my life.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 1 The Message
[The scripture links for the devotionals in the reading through of Acts can be found in The Message. The Message is more of a paraphrase but God has often used it to show me something new in a text I have read many times. Feel free to use any version that works for you.]

Even after the disciples witnessed Jesus alive after crucifixion, they didn't get it. They were still holding on to their former teachings. Still wondering about Jesus restoring an earthly kingdom. The disciples couldn't quite put it all together. And then Jesus goes on and makes a promise...
 “You don’t get to know the time. Timing is the Father’s business. What you’ll get is the Holy Spirit. And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all over Judea and Samaria, even to the ends of the world.”
It struck me anew as I studied these words not too long ago. The disciples didn't get it because they didn't have it yet. All of what happens after the gospels is only made possible by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Look at Jesus' final words to them.... when the Holy Spirit comes, you will be able. The reality is they weren't "able" yet. A piece of the puzzle was still missing and until it comes, the disciples had no ability to do what God had called them to do. I smile when I read where it left them.
"As they watched, he was taken up and disappeared in a cloud. They stood there, staring into the empty sky. Suddenly two men appeared—in white robes! They said, “You Galileans!—why do you just stand here looking up at an empty sky?"
I smile because I can see myself doing the same thing... looking up at an empty sky. It is hard for us to understand the disciples' predicament. We are blessed to live on this side of the promise. We can't comprehend life apart from Holy Spirit... not totally.

This Holy Spirit stuff is such a mystery. Those of us who want everything to be logical, explainable, find it hard to wrap our minds around it. It just seems so supernatural... at times a little too magical. There is no science or formula to make this more real. And it is true, even possible, to live an entire life without acknowledging the work of the Spirit. It is possible to slide this Trinity thing to the back burner of our faith and ignore it. It is possible to only grow in areas we completely understand. It is possible...

But that possibility leaves us unable just like the disciples before the promise. That possibility leaves us powerless. That possibility leaves us standing here, or there, looking at an empty sky.

This mysterious gift of the Holy Spirit is how God living in us happens. This gift brings about all the power and the strength and the wisdom to be able to do all God has called us to do.

Is there an area in your life you find yourself staring at an empty sky? Take time to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God's wisdom in this area... to give you the ability to follow His leading.

Father God, lead me into the mystery of the Holy Spirit.
Teach me to live in Your realm, the realm of the Supernatural.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Beyond the Gospels

We spent the last 170 days together in Scripture reading through all four gospels. What's next? How about going beyond the gospels and continuing the journey into the New Testament?

A habit has been developed and hopefully a hunger for His Word, neither of which we want to lose. The discipline of regular time in Scripture prepares our hearts and lives for God to bless us with spiritual growth.

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything,
but only God, who makes things grow.
1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV84

Growing in Faith at FUMC has been cultivating a place for the planting of His Word by providing a reading schedule for you to follow. We've tried to add water through the offering of devotionals and prayers. But only God can make any of it grow in your heart.

In an effort to keep the cultivation going we feel led to go beyond the gospels but at a little different pace.

The next readings will begin with Acts and then Romans. Instead of every day, readings will be scheduled five days a week: Monday through Friday. Devotionals will continue here and reading schedules will be available in the bulletin and newsletter.

Acts and Romans will take us up to the season of Advent, then we'll see where it leads. The Acts blog posts will be written by Stacy and Pastor Doug will take us through Romans.

Continue to make a place in your life for Him and His Word. Join us Monday, August 10, to begin the journey Beyond the Gospels...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 170

Today's Scripture: John 21
[It's the last day of our journey. Open up the Word however you prefer: a Bible or click the reference to read online.]

...Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples...
John 21:1

Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples, again, to encourage them of the truth, to comfort them, to guide them.

Fishing was these disciples normal way of life. They had been fisherman before they were chosen by Jesus and this is what they went back to, not knowing what else to do since they saw Him the first time. In their everyday way, He made Himself known.

"It is the Lord!"
John 21:7

God reveals Himself to Believers in their everyday work life.

Jesus served His disciples breakfast, and there they saw Him. 

Now none of the disciples dared asked him, "Who are you?"
They knew it was the Lord.
John 21:12

God reveals Himself through provision of our everyday needs.

After breakfast, Jesus revealed His heart to Peter through conversation. He revealed how He felt about Peter and what He desired Peter to do for Him.

He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John,
do you love me?" Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time,
"Do you love me?" and he said to him, "Lord, you know everything;
you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep. ..."
John 21:17

God reveals Himself to His disciples through conversation, the spiritual discipline of prayer.

God: Father, Son, Spirit, reveals Himself again and again in the lives of His disciples.
Through our everyday way.
Through provision of our daily needs.
Through our prayers.
To reveal truth.
To guide.
To comfort.

Where has He revealed Himself to you lately?

If He hasn't, maybe you haven't been looking. Or maybe you haven't spent enough time with Him to recognize Him when He reveals Himself.

Hopefully, the last 170 days have helped you to know Him better. See Him better. Recognize Him more readily.

Hopefully the last 170 days have stirred up a hunger for His Word, for His presence, in your life daily. We do not wholly live by bread alone, we need His Word to fully live.

It is written, "Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."
Matthew 4:4 ESV

Celebrate today what you have been filled with over the last days and months.
Praise Him for His faithfulness in walking with you through His Word.
Praise Him for the revelation of Him in Scripture.
Thank Him for the blessing of His Word and the Word made flesh.

You may be wondering... What's next?
Come back tomorrow. We may have the answer for you.

Father God, thank You for Your faithfulness to Your Word and to Your people.
Thank You for the blessing of the Spirit who reveals Your heart through Your Word.
Thank You for Jesus who shows us how to walk in Your Word.
Fill me with a hunger for more!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 169

Today's Scripture: John 20:11-31
[The end of the journey is very near. Click the reference to read online, or perhaps you have your Bible handy by now.]

The disciples experienced a terrible loss. A great confusion. The one they believed to be the Messiah had been crucified and buried. Their hope buried along with Him.

In fear of being found out, maybe even being next, they locked themselves away from the world.

We too as Believers experience times of terrible loss. Times we've trusted, hoped, only to find ourselves faced with disaster. Sudden death. A terminal diagnosis. The betrayal of a loved one.

Confused. Afraid. We lock ourselves away. From the world. From community. From Him.

Or at least we try.

Today's passage shows God as One who cannot... will not... be locked out from the lives of His disciples.

On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, 
the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, 
Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you."
John 20:19

God will not be locked out when He is ready to bring peace to our hearts after the storm.

Take heart. Whether you are the one locked up in fear and doubt or you have a loved one who seems to have locked themselves away. He will not be locked out. We can't lock Him out. We can lock ourselves away from the world, but not from Him.

Look for Him to come. Look for Him to bring peace.

Father God, You have a purpose in all You allow.
So often we just can't see what it is from this side of eternity.
Comfort us with the knowledge that You will come.
I may lock myself away from the world, but I cannot lock myself away from You.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 168

Today's Scripture: John 19:28 - 20:10
[Click the reference above to read on]

Several times in our passage today, the fulfilling of Scripture is mentioned.

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said
(to fulfill the Scripture), "I thirst."
John 19:28

For these things took place that the Scripture might be fulfilled:
"Not one of his bones will be broken." And again another
Scripture says, "They will look on him whom they have pierced."
John 19:36-37

Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb.
He saw the linen cloths lying there, and the face cloth,
which had been on Jesus' head, not lying with the linen cloths but folded up
in a place by itself. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first,
also went in, and he saw and believed; for as yet they did not understand
the Scripture, that he must rise from the dead.
John 20:6-9

It's clear to see, God keeps His Word.

We don't always understand what Scripture is saying or what exactly a specific prophetic Word will look like when it is fulfilled. But rest assured... He keeps His Word.

God does not forget what He says.
It is impossible for Him to lie.

The question is, do we know what He says? do we remember?

My prayer for those participating in the challenge of reading the gospels in 170 days is for each to develop a hunger for His Word. A hunger for Him, the Word made flesh, and continue to pursue Him each day through Scripture.

Father God, fill me with a desire to know You through Your Word.
Remind me that You keep all of Your Word. You do not forget. 
You are faithful to what You've said. May I be faithful to Your Word.

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and your dominion endures throughout all generations.
The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.
Psalm 145:13 ESV

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 167

Today's Scripture: John 19:1-27
[Click the reference above to read online, if your Bible is out of reach. We are almost within reach of the finish line, three more days after today.]

...but standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother's sister,
Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother
and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother,
"Woman, behold, your son!" Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!"
And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.
John 19:25-27

God was crucified. But even in crucifixion, pain, agony, His true character was revealed... He is always other-centered.

God the Trinity: Father, Son, Spirit.

The Three-In-One does everything for His own glory. But it is not anything like when we seek our own glory. As we have seen, the Father glorifies the Son, the Son the Father, the Spirit glorifies both. 

Many may think God self-aggrandizing when His Word says all things were made for His glory. But it's just not true. He is not like us. His glorification is due Him. He alone worthy of glorification as Creator but it is not a self-seeking glory.

Here on the cross we see His primary concern is not for Himself, it is for His mother, for others.

God is rejected by those who are self-righteous, seeking their own glory, creating their own truth, following human tradition rather than the heart of God's law.

So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe.
Pilate said to them, "Behold the man!" When the chief priests and the officers saw him,
they cried out, "Crucify him, crucify him!"
John 19:5-6

God has no self-righteousness in Him. 
He is Righteousness Himself.

He endured crucifixion, rejection, humiliation, because of His other-centered nature. He endured to save those He created.

So Pilate said to him, "You will not speak to me? Do you not know
that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?"
Jesus answered him, "You would have no authority over me at all
unless it had been given you from above. ..."
John 19:10-11

God is the Highest Authority and He used His authority to allow Himself to be abused and murdered for others... for you...

His greatest glory is His love for others.

God of love You are to be glorified above all, 
yet when You came into the world we crucified You.
Lord, grow me to love like You. Enlarge my heart to be other-centered,
loving others not for my glory but for Yours.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful, 
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ESV

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sabbath Challenge -- Day 166

Today's Scripture: John 18:25-40
[This is the last Sunday on our journey through the gospels. Be prepared to spend some extra time with Him today. Open up your Bible or click the reference above to read online.]

Jesus came to bear witness to the truth of His Kingdom. And everyone who is of the truth, a part of His Kingdom, listens to His voice.

Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born
and for this purpose I have come into the world --- to bear witness to the truth.
Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."
John 18:37

God's voice is only heard by those who are of the truth.

Pilate's response to the truth is the response of the world: What is truth?

There is truth and it only comes through God: Father, Son, Spirit.
He alone is the source of truth and knows truth.

Those who long for truth, long for Him.
Those who seek truth, hear His voice.

Do you have questions about what's true and not true?

The world these days says we all make our own truth. But truth by definition is singular, two different "truths" cannot be true. If they contradict each other in any way, one is a lie.

We do not create our own truth. We are not God. He alone set His Kingdom on truth and those who are a part of it listen to Him and know the truth.

Who are you listening to these days? Do you hear His truth? receive it?
Or do you say with Pilate: What is truth?

Lord, I ask today for truth. I ask for ears to hear Your truth and a heart that listens.
Bless me with the discernment to identify the lies of the world
from the Truth of Your Kingdom.

Ask, and it will be given to you...
Matthew 7:7 ESV

Sabbath Challenge:
As you watch, read, or listen to any source of media today, consider if it is true. 
Ask if it is presented from a worldview that accepts truth exists.
Pray as you listen to the different voices of the world: Lord, is this true?
His Kingdom is founded on truth and that is the only kingdom we want to be found in and listen to.

Today's Sabbath Challenge is one to extend through out the week and beyond...
We do not want to be deceived. His truth is the only place of freedom.

"If you abide in m word, you are truly my disciples,
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." ---Jesus
John 8:31-32 ESV

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 165

Today's Scripture: John 18:1-24
[Five more days after today, and we'll be done with The Challenge. Open up His Word, get your Bible in hand or click the reference above to read online.]

Then Jesus, knowing all that would happen to him, came forward...
John 18:4

Jesus knew what was coming. He knew He would suffer. He knew it would be hard. But He did it all out of love for those He created.

God, too, knew all that would happen --- the Fall, the Flood, the Crucifixion --- even before He created, yet He chose to move forward and create. He knew what was coming. He knew He would suffer. He knew it would be hard. But He created out of love.

Those who have the power to hurt you the most are those you love the most.
Those on whom you can inflict the greatest pain are those you love more than anyone else in the world.

Love causes us to endure hard things because it is worth it in the end to love.

Consider God's great love for you today, all He willingly endured to create.
Thank Him.
Praise Him.
He is love.

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.
God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
1 John 4:16 ESV

Father God, open my heart to Your love.