Thursday, August 13, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 2:42-3:10
(Read today's verses by clicking the link above.)

The formation of the early church didn't happen because a group of theologians got together and came up with a plan to create a church. It began with Peter inspired to speak by the Holy Spirit. I'm pretty sure Peter didn't have policies, plans, or even a membership roll. I wonder as he fell asleep that night if he considered the 3000 new followers and tried to figure out what to do next. How would he minister to that many? Where would they worship? Should there be some organization?

Being the church seemed simple:
They committed themselves to the teaching of the apostles, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.
In my own words they studied God's word, spent time together, broke bread together, and talked to God. They shared and took care of each other. They worshipped daily. Church was that simple. It still is when you get right down to it.

How are you doing as a part of the church? Is there some area God might be calling you to invest more time?

Lord, forgive us for making Church more complicated than it should be.
Forgive me for neglecting Your teachings and Your people.
Forgive me for not sharing with others my time and resources.
Forgive me for not spending time with You in prayer.
Open my heart to the basics of living in Your Kingdom.
Grow me as part of the Church.

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