Monday, August 31, 2015

Beyond the Gospels: Acts

Today's Scripture: Acts 8:26-40
(If you don't have a Bible close, just click on the link.)

It all began when our preacher talked about this verse not too long ago. Since that time I keep reading and rereading it. I'm fascinated with Philip. I'm even more enamored with how the Holy Spirit moved in Philip's life.

The first verse grabs my attention: God calling Philip to a desolate place. Some versions say a "wilderness road." I wonder... am I willing to go into the wilderness, the untamed, the dangerous just because God asks. Would I go the way less traveled? Am I on the narrow path?

There in the wilderness is someone who needs to hear God's Word. Philip's obedience to go and "climb up in the chariot" opens the door for God to move. A heart was changed that day. A soul saved... entering the waters of baptism.

And if that weren't enough to keep me in awe, the Spirit takes Philip off to the next place. I want to be like Philip. I want to go into the wilderness of my community and world. I want to climb up into chariots and restaurant booths and slides and share the gospel. I want to witness hearts changed and souls saved. I want the Spirit to move me to the next place without my resistance or fear or hesitation.

Lord, so many times I just don't want to go to the wilderness. Forgive me for those times when I choose the comfortable path. I want to be a part of your plan... to climb up in the chariots of today and share your word. I want to see hearts moved and lives changed by your Spirit.
In Jesus name... amen.

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