Friday, July 10, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 143

Today's Scripture: John 6:22-59
[Click the link to read online... Or go ahead, get up, find your Bible and open it. Maybe you'll need to underline an important Word today!]

Those who had their bellies filled in the field tracked Jesus down. They wondered at how He had gotten away from them. They wondered at how He got to where He was: Rabbi, when did you come here?

Jesus didn't answer their direct question, He answered according to what He saw in their hearts: Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, because you ate your fill of the loaves...

God does the same thing. God answers our questions with the heart of the issue.

We may come with our Why? or How? and never receive a direct answer. But if we listen, and are open to His Word, He will tell us what we need to know.

Jesus knew the crowd was all about their physical need, feeding their flesh, filling their hunger. He also knew that would not satisfy. He knew they needed spiritual food, salvation, forgiveness, to fill their hungry hearts. They needed Him: The Bread of Life.

The crowd was not pleased with His answer to their question. They grumbled, they questioned His lineage, they questioned His answer.

What about you? Have you posed a question to God lately and gotten an answer that made you grumble? Consider, it may be what lies at the heart of your question. His answer may be exactly what you need.

Lord, when Your answers make me grumble,
open my heart and mind to what You are really saying to me.
Reveal the heart of my question, what lies at the root,
fill me with what I really need.

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