Monday, July 20, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 153

Today's Scripture: John 11:1-16
[Click the reference above to read online.]

Again, we see God using illness for His glory, just like He did with the man born blind (John 9:1-3). But we also see something even stranger...

Now Jesus loved Mary and her sister and Lazarus.
So, when he heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed
two days longer in the place where he was.
John 11:5-6

Jesus loved them, but when He heard of Lazarus's illness He stayed where He was?! That does not seem right. After all Jesus was in the healing business as far as Lazarus's family was concerned. Wasn't that why they wanted Him to know?

Any time in Scripture where we see people talking to Jesus, or someone relaying a message on behalf of another, we are witnessing prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation with God.

So, sometimes God delays the answer to our prayers, because He loves us. This sounds very strange. We want God to act right away, meet our needs immediately, but He has His own timing and His own purpose in everything He allows, both illness and healing.

In this case, He was waiting. Waiting for Lazarus to "fall asleep." 

Can you trust God with your prayers? Even when He chooses to delay the answer? Even when it looks like He hasn't heard at all?

God is trustworthy. He loves His people and He hears their cries for mercy. But as His people we are to be surrendered to His way and purpose in all things. Just as Jesus was. Willing to die on a cross for His Father's will. He may have something He wants to resurrect in your life or the life of a loved one. All for His glory.

Father God, I long to trust You with my prayers.
Teach me to wait on Your timing and surrender to Your purpose.
Fill me with knowledge of Your love while I wait.

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