Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sabbath Challenge -- Day 152

Today's Scripture: John 10:22-42
[It's Sunday, you have time to open your Bible, but if you feel like you don't, click the reference above to read online.]

The unbelievers in the crowd were upset with Jesus because He said He was one with the Father. They picked up stones and called Him blasphemous!

"... you, being a man, make yourself God."
John 10:33

But this is not the truth. The truth is God being God made Himself Man.

The truth was these unbelieving men were busy creating God in their own image. Leaning on their own understanding, seeing Jesus from the bottom up rather than considering that God works from the top down. 

In our broken state, we see things from the wrong perspective. Instead of looking up to Him for truth that comes down, we start with our own earthly reasoning and make a god that is not God. We cannot start with our own understanding, the created will never come up with the truth of the Creator. Only the Creator can bring the truth down to us.

He stooped down to make us great. 

You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me;
you stoop down to make me great.
Psalm 18:35 NIV84

Maybe we need to get low before Him, in order to see His greatness and not miss the truth...

Today, take time to look up.
Ask Him to reveal where your perspective is wrong.
Ask Him to teach you to view everything from the top down.

Father God, thank You for stooping low, humbling Yourself
to become one of us so we might see Your greatness.
Let me not miss Your truth. Teach me to learn from You.
Teach me to see everything from the top down.

Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high,
who looks far down on the heavens and the earth?
Psalm 113:5-6 ESV

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