Monday, May 2, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Philippians

Today's Reading: Philippians 1:1-11
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

"... he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus".---Philippians 1:6

Funny how God works. If you haven't noticed yet, Carol and I switch off writing from month to month. May begins a new month and like a relay, the writing baton has been handed off to me. I pick up the calendar to begin this week and think, "I'm just not sure I can do this again." Life has been somewhat pressing and May is looming with a very full calendar.

The calendar of Scriptures was set long ago and so I had no idea what today's reading would be. I read today's passage and as I drew close to the end... there it was. This is not some new verse I just came across. I've committed this one to memory... I say it pretty often. I guess I just needed a reminder in black and white.

He who began a good work in you, is faithful to complete it. When we trust him with the work, He will complete it. I have experienced over and over, when God calls us to do something, He will complete it in us and through us. I know as I trust Him each day of this month, each moment of each day, He will provide the words and inspiration to write. I know it. I was just having a hard time remembering it this morning. When I work to do something "all by myself," I find myself in the most trouble. It would serve us well to say these words each time we look at our crazy calendars. It does a heart good to know God is faithful to complete what He starts.

I wonder, what have you been trying to finish up on your own? to complete all by yourself? Maybe it's a project, or deadline... some work you do daily that you've grown weary in doing? Perhaps now is the time to remember God begins a good work in each of us, and He is faithful to complete it.

Father God, thank You for completing what You begin.
I pray all that I'm doing is something You have started.
If there are things I'm working at that are not in Your 
plan for me, reveal them so I can let them go.
I trust You with what You've started.

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