Thursday, May 19, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Colossians

Today's Scripture: Colossians 2:16-23
(Click on the link to read the verses.)

We would like to think we are so much different than the religious leaders in Paul's time, but we're not. Since the beginning, man has attempted to make religion all about rules. Remember the garden? God gave Adam and Eve one rule... only one. The enemy twisted the one rule for Eve and that was well... history. Isn't it funny (well, not really) how we are caught up in the making and breaking of rules?

Now, don't get me wrong. There is a place for law in our world. God set the law for the Israelites for good purpose. The problem is when left to ourselves the law becomes THE PURPOSE. You can see it from the writing down of the Ten Commandments to Colossians, God's people have rule issues and when we're honest we have the same issue.

Paul reminds us that making rules our focus disconnects us from the head of the body. It leaves us feeling guilt and shame... judging others... creating a body with no head. As you can imagine, the body cannot function without the head. 

How then, shall we live? Do we ignore the law God has set before us? This is a hard teaching, Something that has taken me years to learn. I'm a rule-follower for the most part. I want the approval of others, to please man and to please God. I used to work hard to follow all the rules. I thought it would please God. It doesn't. Pleasing God is not a rule thing... its a heart thing. 

When we seek to love Him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength He is pleased. Following His way... His law... becomes a natural part of who we are when we focus on Him. He will let us know when we are caught up in some sin. His gentle voice brings us back to righteousness when we are listening. Rules don't grow us up... make us better. Jesus does.

Father God, remind me, it's not about rules, it's about relationship.
When I love You rightly, I will be, do, and act rightly.
Help me let go of rules and people-pleasing.
Fill me instead with love, grace, and mercy.
Connect my heart to the Head which is Jesus Christ.

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