Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Philippians

Today's Verses: Philippians 4:2-9
(Click on the link to read the Scripture.)

You could click on the link to read today's Scripture, but you might want to find your Bible. Grab a highlighter and mark the words. I've repeated these words so many times to myself through the years. When storms approach and howling winds circle me, I often go to this very page in God's Word. Paul wraps up how to live in a few short verses. Let me break it down for you:

Rejoice... be gentle... remember the Lord is near.
Be anxious in nothing... pray, pray, pray... give thanks.
Think of things that are true, noble, right... concentrate on those things that are praiseworthy.
Put into practice what you have learned.

I love the words "and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." The same message of peace echos again in Paul's closing words. I've tested the words so many times, I know it's true. When we rejoice, pray, give thanks... lay down our worry and think of Him, peace reigns in us.

I feel a need to challenge you today. Memorize these words, not mine, but Paul's. Write it out on an index card and plant them deep in your heart. This is the road map to living peace. When we have Peace within we can give Peace to others. This my friends, is what the whole world needs.

Lord, may my thoughts and actions reveal the truth of Your Word.
Fill me with joy, gentleness, and reminders that You are near.
Fill me with Your peace and right thoughts.

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