Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Corinthians

Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
(Click the link to read today's verses.)

Evidently, there was some quarrelling going on. Webster's describes quarrel as "a ground of dispute." Another definition reads, "an angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms." I'm confident no family exists without this kind of disagreement at times. It is a symptom of a fallen world, and Paul didn't like it. Honestly, I don't either.

Paul appealed to them to agree with one another in what you say, to remain united in mind and thought. How is it possible to agree on everything? Even people on good terms have their own opinions and perspectives. What does this look like?

I caught a glimpse recently. My dad and I were having a discussion. You might call it "heated." At one point I decided it was time to just drop the conversation. It's no secret among the family we're both stubborn and a lot alike. Still he asked more questions and I responded. By the end of the conversation I recognized we might not be in total agreement, but we did have an understanding of the heart of the matter... on that we could agree.

I could have dropped the conversation, the old me would have changed the subject. And though I'm not proud of it. The old me would have hung up frustrated. The old me would have probably let my husband know all about my side. It might be the natural way to react, but it's not the best way... not His way.

Quarreling usually is not about the subject at hand. It's more about wanting to be heard and wanting our own way. It happens in families, it was happening in the early church, it happens in our church. Being united in mind and thought is not about agreeing on subject matter, but agreeing on the heart of the matter. Coming to an understanding we are all doing the best we can with what we know can free us to see through the quarrel right to the heart.

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love,
any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love,
being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition
or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
Philippians 2:1-3 ESV

Is there a disagreement in your life you are ready to put down? Don't delay...do it today.

Father God, return me to the heart of Your Love:
Jesus, the Gospel, the Good News of grace.
Help me to filter the minutiae that doesn't matter,
the temptations the enemy provides to divide me
from those I'm called to love.

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