Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Challenge--Day 39

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 24:29-51
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

Jesus says in this passage that heaven and earth will pass away, but his words will not. Words.... we use them all day long. We sing them... say them... type them. Many times we forget the words we speak before a day is done. 

This is not so with the words Jesus speaks. His word is everlasting... eternal. His words teach us, change us, transform us.

How has God used The Challenge to transform you so far? 

Father God, change my perspective regarding Your Word.
The world around me seems so solid, real --- worth investing all my time in.
Yet, this is a lie. It is Your Word that is everlasting, real.
Teach me to invest in the things that really matter.
Your transforming Word.

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
John 1:14 ESV

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