Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Challenge--Day 23

Today's Scripture: Matthew 15: 1-20
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

Here it is again. The message Jesus gives about what comes out of our mouth. Ouch! The bible talks a lot about how we speak. James calls the tongue a fire that consumes entire forests. He even claims that no one can tame the tongue. What do we do about the words that come out of our mouths?

If you look closely you see that Jesus says the words that come from our mouth overflow from our heart. They indicate our heart's condition.

Mouth issue = Heart issue

If we want to tame our tongues we must deal with our hearts. Take a look at the words you said today. What kind of heart issue are they revealing? 

Father God, only You can heal the heart issues
that cause my mouth to lie, brag, gossip,
hurt, slander, exaggerate and curse.
I open wide my heart to You.
Do whatever You need to in order to bring
healing and wholeness to my heart.

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