Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Challenge--Day 32

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 21: 1-22
(Click on the link if you don't have your bible handy.)

Jesus told the disciples "whatever you ask for in prayer with faith you will receive." Do you think this verse applies to us as well as the disciples? What prayers has God answered in your life? Which ones have gone unanswered? Have you given up on Him to answer those prayers? 

Hebrews tells us "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Today let's be sure and certain of the one who is HOPE.

Lord, fuel the faith I need to continually pray.
You answer prayer in three ways: Yes, No, Wait.
Open my eyes and ears to recognize the answers when they come.
Bless me with a thankful heart, no matter the answer.
I trust You to provide what is best.
I put my hope in You.

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