Friday, March 6, 2015

The Challenge--Day 17

Today's Scripture: Matthew 12:9-32
(Click on the link to view the scripture.)

The Jewish leaders had confused their own traditions and understanding with the Word of God. They believed it unlawful to heal people on the Sabbath.

Jesus, the Word made flesh, taught them otherwise. It made them furious.

Are there areas of your life where you let your own understanding or tradition outweigh God's Word?

When we do this it is dangerous, because like the Pharisees, we end up attacking Him rather than glorifying Him.

Father God, bless me with a hunger for Your Word and Your Truth.
Bless me with the discernment to recognize Your Way from my way.
Bless me with the humility to lay down any traditions and understandings
that are not in line with Your Word.

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