Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Challenge--Day 16

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 11:20-12:8
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

"Yoke" is a common metaphor for the Torah (the written law in Jesus' time). It seems the religious leaders had taken the Torah and created a yoke so heavy none could carry its weight. This is not Jesus' way. His yoke is easy... his burden light.

Do you consider the way of Jesus easy, the burden light? What makes it heavy for you? Ask Jesus to show you how it might become easy and light.

Lord, help me to remember that if my work for You feels like a burden,
then maybe it's not Your work. You say we learn by being under Your yoke,
let me not be deceived by legalism and tradition. 
Show me when I have laid Your yoke down for another's.
Keep me next to You.

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