Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Challenge--Day 25

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 16
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

The people wanted a sign... some miracle or magic trick, so to speak, from Jesus. The simple truth is they already had signs. They knew of his miracles... the prophecies about him. Reading the signs wasn't the issue. Following was.

I recently ignored a sign and caused myself a lot of extra work. It was a reminder of how often I am graciously given signs and how often I just don't do what it says... or think it doesn't apply to me. What signs have you noticed lately? Are you more apt to follow signs or ignore signs and go your own way?

Lord, open my eyes and ears to the signs You provide each day.
Signs to follow and obey. Signs to give me direction, teaching,
and guidance. Signs to offer grace, love, and mercy to those
You place in my path. I don't want to miss another.

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