Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sabbath Challenge--Day 26

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 17: 1-21

Have a seat... take a deep breath. Let's sit a while longer with the scripture this Sabbath day. What better way to celebrate a day set apart for God than by lingering in His word. Today we practice Lectio Devina, an ancient discipline of meditating on God's word and considering what it means in our lives. 

Read today's scripture found in Matthew (click on the link if you don't have a Bible near).

Read the verses a second time.

Try reading them out loud.

What phrase or word sticks out to you? Is there a word you would like to know more about? Look the word up in the dictionary. I've found when seeking understanding of God's word the simple definition of a word can reveal so much.

Ask God to give you insight about this word. What is he saying through the text?

Rest... rest in the beauty of a God who still speaks to us. Rest in the assurance of His love for you... rest.

Lord, I come into Your presence to rest and wait.
Reveal what You want me to know --- 
Who You are and who I am in You.

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