Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Challenge--Day 37

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 23:16-39
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

"Woe to you..." Webster's defines woe as a way to express grief, distress, regret. Jesus is clearly grieved by those who have made serving God all about rules and law and looking good on the outside. We've all done it... hidden the yuck on the inside... put a smile on our face to cover the struggle. Keeping up the front is distressing. 

Jesus offers another way. We think we're hiding it... but He knows. He understands our deepest hurt... our struggle with a particular temptation. He offered his life to clean us all up... not cover us up. Would it be so hard to just let our guard down and be... be real... be truthful... be authentic? What's the worst that could happen? Maybe it's time to surrender our clean outsides and embrace the grace that cleans us through and through.

Father God, Your Word says cleanliness begins on the inside---
within the heart. What fills my mind, drives my will, and fuels my emotions
defines my life. Only You make the way for a clean heart.
Clean me, Lord, on the inside.

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10 NIV84

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