Monday, June 22, 2015

The Challenge -- Day 125

Today's Scripture: Luke 22:31-53
(Click on the link to read the scripture.)

Peter told Jesus he was ready to go prison and to death for Him. It was a bold claim that didn't immediately come to pass. A few hours after he made the claim, a rooster crowed, and Peter realized he had done exactly what he said he wouldn't. Peter thought this chapter of his life was over. Can you imagine the guilt Peter experienced over doing the very thing he claimed he would never do? I'm so glad Peter's story isn't finished with the sound of that rooster.

Is there some chapter in your story that didn't end well? Are you feeling guilty in some way? The good news is our story is not finished yet. Later in the scriptures, we read of times when Peter actually did spend time in prison. Peter did eventually live up to his original claim. What hope does that give you for your story today?

Father God, I'm so grateful for Your forgiveness through Jesus.
So humbled by Your willingness and desire to redeem what is lost.
Thank You, for taking the things I've done, that I said I would never do,
and using them for good and Your purpose.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28 ESV

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