Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sabbath Challenge -- Day 124

Today's Scripture: Luke 22:1-30
(Click on the link to read today's scripture.)

There's lots of talk about meals in these verses. Jesus eating a Passover meal with the disciples. Is the server or the one who sits at the table greater? Jesus promising us we will eat and drink at his table one day.

I was reminded last night how the members of the early church regularly broke bread together. Having a meal with others is a sacred time for us. There is something holy about sitting around a table and sharing our lives as well as food.

Today's Sabbath challenge:
Invite one or a few to supper tonight. Maybe you can host them in your home... around your table. The menu doesn't have to be elaborate. Or if you don't feel like cooking, maybe you could go to a local restaurant or pick up food from one of your favorite places.

Cooking a five course dinner or having a perfectly clean home is not the point. Building relationship with others is. Those around the table probably won't remember what they ate in a few days, but they will remember the love, joy, and fellowship shared around your table.

Lord, may every meal I partake of include You as the Bread of Life.

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