Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Corinthians

Today's Scripture: 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

Most of us don't have other religions we are trying to mix together. We aren't attending other places dedicated to the worship of idols. If someone asked what we believe, we would tell them Jesus: Born of a virgin, died as a ransom for our sin, and rose from the grave in victory. Worshiping mythical characters or other gods is not what we struggle with, but we still struggle with idolatry.

Every once in while I answer the following questions. (Go with me here.)

Where, on what, or with whom do you spend most of your time?

What do you think about most?

Take a look at your check book for the last month. Where did your money go?

This is sort of an idol test. Is there a common theme? Does something stick out more than others? Is there one thing taking up most of your time and thoughts and money?  We can easily be drawn into something and before you know it... without much thought it becomes an idol. Is there one thing that takes your time and thoughts and money? If so, it might be time for some separation or change.

Father God, in Christ Jesus I am Your temple,
root out any form of idolatry hiding in my heart.
Purify my thoughts, will, and emotions
so I can be wholly Yours.

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