Friday, March 18, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Corinthians

Today's Reading: 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
(Most days you probably click on the link to read the Scripture, but today... find your Bible. Hold it in your hands.)

Paul is concerned about the believers in Corinth. Deception seems to be creeping into the church. It still happens today, but we have something the early believers didn't. If you found your Bible, then you are holding it right in the palm of your hand. I'm reminded of what a miracle it is to have God's Word so easily accessible. The sheer weight of it leaves me awe struck for a moment.

When I was in Bible class at Perkins we were taught that the Bible is called the Cannon. It literally means measuring rod. I've grown to love the thought. At any moment... any time... we can pick up this book that reveals truth and deception. A place we can go to see how teachings and thoughts measure up to God's Word and Way.

Is there something you are wondering about... trying to decide God's way in it? The answer, every single answer, lies in the pages of God's Word. When we seek revelation with an open heart, the Holy Spirit takes print on a page and breathes life into words. It is one miracle we have an opportunity to experience every day.

Father God, the concept of truth isn't readily accepted in our culture today.
Many live their lives based on their own version of  "truth."
I desire Your Truth, the Truth that doesn't change. The Truth that is true!
Open up Your Word to me. Teach me Your Truth and how to walk in its Way.

The sum of your word is truth,
and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.
Psalm 119:160 ESV

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