Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Corinthians

Today's Verses: 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
(Click on the link to read today's Scripture.)

God said, "Let light shine out of darkness." Darkness does not produce light. It doesn't create light, but it is the place where we become aware that light shines.

I was watching a television show just recently about survival. The man demonstrating how to get out of the Brazilian forest. He's following a river when it disappears into a cave. He wades into the darkness with a handmade torch and his camera man in tow. All the while I'm thinking... nope. Not me, I would have to find some other way or just die right there in the jungle. No way I'm venturing into complete darkness. I watch as the two men try to find their way through the dark, lit only by the burning twig torch. It wasn't long before he fell and the torch was extinguished. There he and his camera guy stood in complete darkness. The only way to see was to look through the lens of the camera. Honestly I was a little shaky inside. I'm silently cheering them on, wondering when in the world the darkness would turn to light. He keeps moving through the water with hands reaching to the side and front of him. As he instructs his partner to stay close, there in the corner of the screen a light shines and I give a sigh of relief.

Like the man following the river, sometimes following God leads us through darkness. There are times when we just sit right down and refuse to go any farther. Other times we attempt to take our own light with us. The Psalmist wrote, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." I think the key to walking through darkness is choosing to trust in the face of our own fear. As people of the Light, we just keep moving hand over hand, slowly making our way until the light breaks through.

Have you been walking in darkness lately? Take heart brothers and sisters, no darkness can extinguish the Light of the World.

Father God, remind me, when it feels like the darkness is overtaking my life that You are with me and darkness is as light to You. You know why You've allowed a dark time to enter my life. You know what You long for me to see in the dark, to learn in the dark: You are trustworthy. Amen.

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