Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Titus

Today's Reading: Titus 1
(Click on the link to read the Scripture.)

 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.--vs. 16

I was recently reading in the Old Testament and came to a phrase that stuck in my head. 
 In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.--Judges 21:25
These were the days of Samuel, and the Israelites wanted one thing: a king. All around them the nations were ruled and reigned by earthly kings and God's people wanted one too. Even though they had never had a king and were warned of the consequences an earthly king would bring, it's what they saw as fitting for their nation. The thing that caught my attention... the Israelites had a king... they had The King. They knew God, but did what was right in their own eyes. Let me tell you, their actions became vile, perverted, down right scary. Actions denying God as King.

Paul speaks of the same thing. Claiming to know God... denying Him with their actions. I would like to say we've moved past this spiritual disease, but you see the illness all around. Just this year  my daughter told the story of a speaker in one of her classes. She came to speak on Judaism and living out this faith. The kicker... she spoke openly that she did not believe there is a God. I was a bit surprised. How is this possible? And the reality is... anything is possible when you have no king.

We've all recognized it in ourselves too. Acting in a way that denied our faith in God. Forgetting to recognize who is King in our kingdom. Claiming to know God is not enough in a broken world. Actions speak louder than words. Take some time to notice your actions today. Do they reflect who your King is? or do they deny the King even exists? Do you go about your day as you see fit? Are you depending on God to order your daily steps? Make a stand today. Don't just claim to know God, claim Him as King over all.

Father God, reveal the places in my life where I'm not allowing You to rule.
I choose You as my King today. I choose Your Kingdom, not mine.

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