Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: Good News

What did the angels bring to the shepherds?

How did the shepherds respond to the good news?

How did Mary respond to the shepherds’ visit?

The gift of good news always cheers us up. The angels’ good news of great joy was not just for the shepherds, but for ALL people.

The shepherds’ first response was to verify the good news, so they ran into town and found the Babe in the manger. They shared what the angels said with Mary and Joseph.

Mary treasured these things in her heart. She received the sign of the angels as good news. After all, she just gave birth to the Messiah in a barn and laid Him in a feed trough. Her faith was probably waning, due to unmet expectations of what it would be like to bear God’s Son. The shepherds’ news was a treasure to her. Good news of great joy!

When was the last time you received good news and held onto it like a treasure?

When was the last time you shared the Good News of Jesus with someone in need?

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