Saturday, December 31, 2016

A New Year: Back to the Beginning

The heart of Growing in Faith at FUMC is to encourage Believers to be in the Word on a regular basis. Hopefully, stimulating an appetite for more and a hunger to see His Word made flesh in your life. We went through the New Testament together, but Oh, there is so much more.

With the beginning of the New Year we're taking the blog posts Back to the Beginning: Genesis. 2017 will take us through Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, and Proverbs with a five day a week reading schedule and devotionals available here for each reading. We hope you will continue to join us and invite others in your circle of influence to come along.

Being in His Word is essential to spiritual growth and a vital life of prayer. After all, Scripture is how He speaks to us. Don't you want to know what He has to say to you?

Looking forward to a blessed New Year of increasing faith, peace, love, joy, and grace!

Grow Team

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Day

Nativity Reading: Isaiah 9:1-7 and Isaiah 53

Share these readings with the family and friends you are gathered with today. Consider the great gift Jesus brought us on His birth day.

What can you give Him?

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Gift of Prayer: Intercession

“Your kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10

Intercession, the act of coming before God on behalf of another or even for ourselves.

Jesus is our great Intercessor. He came to earth to intercede. Mediate forgiveness, healing, and peace between humanity and Father God. Scripture says He always lives to intercede (Hebrews 7:25), standing at the right hand of His Father (Romans 8:34).

As His disciples, His followers, we too have the privilege of interceding on behalf of ourselves, our loved ones, our community, the whole world. Jesus made the Way, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for us to intercede. We can be a part of making the way for His Kingdom to come now, His will to be done now, in the lives of those for whom we intercede.

Today, recognize your Intercessor, by praying for those who need His power, peace, healing and forgiveness in their lives. His Kingdom come, His will be done…

Friday, December 23, 2016

The Joy of the Plan

We both had decided that being single was just fine. We had our families, work, and our ministries. I told God that if it was His plan for me to marry, he would have to put that certain someone directly in my face.

And so, it happened at a ministry event. I patted a chair for him to sit down and enjoy the program and he took it as an invitation to come sit by me. 

We dated and spent time together, got engaged, and then found out he was sick. I’m pretty sure God knew all along and put us together just in time for the love and support to be there to carry us through the hard time to come. Chemo treatments, nausea, and fatigue, to name a few of the challenges.

But JOY… love that conquers all.

Love that makes life complete. Love that brings meaning to the journey of life. Joy that comes from following God’s plan. No matter the circumstances, we can choose daily to expose the joy or suppress it.

God had a plan for David and me but, more than that, God had a plan for all of us in this Babe in a manger. The Son who would come, in flesh, to show God’s love and redeem His people. JOY is in God’s love for us. JOY is in God’s plan that saves us.

Thank you, God, for the plan you had all along and for allowing me to see the truth, the goodness, and the wisdom of the plan. As James said, I count it all JOY!

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way,
consider it an opportunity for great joy.
James 1:2 

I will shout for joy and sing your praises, for you have ransomed me.
Psalm 71:23

Linda Powell

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Joyful News

But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; I bring you Good News of great joy
that will be for all the people.”
Luke 2:10

Have you ever noticed the different responses you see in faces when you comment: Christmas is just around the corner? Some faces frown and respond: So much to do, in too little time. Too many requests from charities. Too many gifts to buy. So little resources! What do all these faces lack? The remembrance that this is Advent, a time which should be filled with joyful expectancy as we await the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child. The One who has brought joy into my life and all who know Him.

On a night, long ago, the angels sang: I bring you Good News of great joy! A song sung to all people. Let’s lay down our negatives, our joy-less faces, our prejudices. Let your heart be filled with joy… not materialistic fleeting joy, but the true joy that comes through Jesus Christ. The angel’s message brings abiding joy… the Messiah has been born. When Jesus was born, He brought to earth everlasting salvation and love. The angel’s song, the joyous words, I bring you God News of great joy which shall be to all people.

My life has been so filled with His love, guidance, protection, and faithfulness. What is my gift to the newborn King? Mary the mother of Jesus said Yes to the angel without hesitation when told it was God’s plan for her to be chosen as mother of the Christ Child. She gave herself! My prayer is that I may be selfless as the mother of Jesus and be willing to follow His leadership, serve as He leads, and say Yes without hesitation to His bidding.

Choose this Advent Season to have the face of joy, joy that lasts. Be filled with joyful expectancy of the gift of the Christ Child. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Our Father, may the everlasting love and joy brought to his earth
at Jesus’s birth be ours throughout this Holy Season. Amen.

Thought for the day: Jesus is everlasting joy!

Helen Drummond

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: The Holy Spirit

Where did Joseph and Mary take Jesus? Why?

Who in these verses had the Holy Spirit on him?

Where did the Spirit lead him this day?

What did the Holy Spirit reveal to him?

Simeon, another individual unseen in most Nativity scenes. The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon and led him to the temple this day to fulfill a promise: He would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ.

The Holy Spirit led and revealed. When Simeon praised God at the revelation and fulfillment of the promise, Mary and Joseph marveled and received a blessing, too.

As a result of Jesus’s crucifixion, death, and resurrection, we Believers have the Holy Spirit in us, not on us. We can nurture His presence in our lives (2Timothy 1:6-7) or we can quench it (1Thessalonians 5:19), depending on how we respond to His leading and revealing.

What has the gift of the Holy Spirit revealed in your life?

Has He led you to be a blessing to others by His power?

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Gift of Joy Received with Love

Oh, Lord Jesus, You bring me joy and happiness every day. Just knowing You are walking with me inspires me to be all I can. 

Remember that day so many years ago when You reached me and I listened? I opened the Bible given to me by a friend. You were there with me, as I began reading. I needed change in my life. I didn't know where to begin, You inspired my heart to JUST READ. So I did. It was so confusing, what did it all mean? You said JUST READ. So I did. Several days I sat and read and I began seeing change in me, my heart, my thoughts, my actions. Thank You.

You have brought so much joy. More than I could imagine. Amazingly, one day You brought me an infant. Her birth was beautiful, she was precious. Her biological mother was my angel and I hers. We all know the hand You played in this journey and are forever grateful. My daughter truly is a gift from You.

This year for Your birthday I give You love. Words are easy to say. Some days go by and I just barely speak to You. As I stand here today I give to You all my love. I will show my love to You in prayer, through my heart and with action. I vow not to miss a day. I see You every day in my life. Some days I just keep walking and doing my own thing. That, my Lord, will change.

The loss of a dear one this year created distance in my walk with You. I'm sorry for that. My pity trip is over. I am Yours Lord, heal me.

I will obey your decrees.
   Please don’t give up on me!
Psalm 119:8

Renita Pontenberg

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Gift of More

In recent years, I have managed to focus more and more on the true meaning of Christmas and to ignore the world’s hoopla in celebrating the Season. Advent studies and devotionals have helped me to concentrate on Jesus coming down as a vulnerable child to live amongst us, rather than how we can all do more and spend more.

Thankfully, I am past the point in my life where I am concerned with receiving gifts and am more able to focus on the joy of the world receiving the Christ-child. I experience joy by realizing what Jesus did and who he is. He died on the cross by his choice because I mattered to him and he loves me. He serves as my Lord, Savior, Good Shepherd, Teacher, and loving Elder Brother. Jesus is the Word Made Flesh.

I really do appreciate that He saved me, gave me His Word, His Spirit, and His Church. I pray often and try to make each day some sort of worship experience. But, is that all I should be giving Jesus? I need to be more intentional in my relationship with Christ. I need to be more ready to act, to help or witness to those whom God sends my way.

Christ can heal our hearts and bring comfort and mercy like nothing or no one else. But He needs us to invite Him in. He does not force His way in.

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.”
Revelation 3:20 NKJV

We need to invite Him in to every “place” in our lives in order to experience the healing from our brokenness, even after or initial acceptance, called salvation. We need to encourage others to do this also. I am thankful I have friends that encourage me to move toward Jesus and to not forget or ignore Him. The more Jesus, the better, especially at Christmas-time!

Dear Father, please help me to love you more
and to move toward a Christ-centered life!

Russell Edwards

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Advent: Fourth Sunday

Nativity Reading: Luke 2:22-40

Consider what He's saying and how you will respond.

Record your thoughts, insights, questions, and inspirations regarding Jesus's birth day using words and/or drawings. Use a journal and pen or paper and colored pencils.

Let His Word have its effect on you.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Gift of Prayer: Thanksgiving

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom."
Matthew 26:-29

One of the most meaningful moments on Christmas Eve is the celebration of the Eucharist. The Greek word Eucharist literally means thanksgiving. During the Advent season, we prepare for the birth of the Savior. It is a time of joy we only find in the shadow of the cross.

Jesus met with the disciples to celebrate. He took the bread, the wine… symbols of His broken body and blood poured out… and gave thanks. He sacrificed Himself for us. Let us in turn make a sacrifice of thanksgiving to Him this day.

Pray a prayer of thanksgiving.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Gift of a New Day

The candidate I voted for didn’t win the election. I wonder what is going to happen in this country over the next 4 years. 

One side of my family does not speak to the other side because of something that happened a few years ago. It makes holidays difficult — trying to plan on how to visit everyone. Why can’t everyone just ‘forgive and forget’ and move past this divide? 

My money does not go as far as I need want it to. I’m getting closer to retirement, and I’m not sure there will be enough to pay all my expenses when I’m no longer working. Why didn’t we save more through the years?

My children don’t attend church. I raised them in this church and hoped they would find their own faith as adults. They don’t think there is much relevance in organized religion. Did I fail them? Did the church?

What brings me joy? 
The sun comes up every morning with the promise of a new day.

Too often, I let the problems and worries of the world take over. I have to remind myself that worrying does not solve anything or add a day to my life (Matthew 6:25-34). No matter what problems the day may bring, each new day can be filled with the peace and grace that God showers on each of us. With Advent and Christmas, we remember the miracle of Emmanuel —God is with us always, as close as our heartbeat. 

My problems will always be there, and new ones will always be waiting in line to break my heart and bring me to my knees. But the joy of the sun coming up every morning fills my heart with hope. Every day, I want to give God my worries and fears.   

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.
John 14:27

Ann Culotta

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: Good News

What did the angels bring to the shepherds?

How did the shepherds respond to the good news?

How did Mary respond to the shepherds’ visit?

The gift of good news always cheers us up. The angels’ good news of great joy was not just for the shepherds, but for ALL people.

The shepherds’ first response was to verify the good news, so they ran into town and found the Babe in the manger. They shared what the angels said with Mary and Joseph.

Mary treasured these things in her heart. She received the sign of the angels as good news. After all, she just gave birth to the Messiah in a barn and laid Him in a feed trough. Her faith was probably waning, due to unmet expectations of what it would be like to bear God’s Son. The shepherds’ news was a treasure to her. Good news of great joy!

When was the last time you received good news and held onto it like a treasure?

When was the last time you shared the Good News of Jesus with someone in need?

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Gift of Embracing

The sentence jumped right off the page when I read it.

“Father, whatever it is that you have decided to give, we embrace.”
—Jen Pollack Michel, Teach Us to Want

Embrace. It means to hold someone closely in one’s arms, to accept or support willingly and enthusiastically. I think about a young Mary and the angel’s visitation. I would have asked the same question: “How in the world is this going to happen? I’m not sure if you are aware, but I’m a virgin.” In the moment of wonder, to the impossible words of an angel, she replied, “Whatever it is that You have decided to give, I embrace.”

And Joseph troubled to the point of quiet divorce. When he finally slept, the angel spoke in a dream, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife…” When he awoke, his actions spoke louder than words, “Whatever it is that You have decided to give, I embrace.”

Caesar issued a decree sending the very pregnant Mary and her husband Joseph on the long journey to Nazareth. “Father, whatever it is that You have decided to give, I embrace.”

They embrace a baby born in a stable. Shepherds embrace the message of angels. Wise men embrace the journey to see the new born King.

When God calls me to hard things, embrace is not the word I would use to describe my attitude. Acceptance… yes. Obedience… sometimes. But embrace… not often. I’m a lot like the young child stomping off to clean her room letting everyone know I’m obeying but I’m not liking it!

As I approach the manger, I am seeking a sort of gift exchange. I’m wrapping up my attitude of white knuckled acceptance and hoping to never open it again. It doesn’t seem like much of a gift. Not one Jesus would need to open really. But maybe He will. Maybe He will open my gift and do what He does best… redeem it. He’ll take what’s inside and teach me how to embrace His will and His way for me. He’ll show me how to be more like Mary and Joseph. He’ll create in me a heart that responds…

Jesus, whatever it is that You have decided to give, I embrace… Amen.

Stacy Boyer

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Miracle of God's Leadership

He leads the humble in justice and teaches the humble His way.
Psalm 25:9

On autumn nights while we sleep, millions of sparrows and songbirds travel in the darkness toward the south for winter. Apparently, God has given them an internal guidance system that causes them to know when and where to go for the winter. If God guides this part of His creation, will He not also guide us, His children, if we depend upon Him for our direction? Psalm 23:3 certainly suggests so: He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (KJV).

As we approach the time of Christ’s birth, what more can we be thankful for than the leadership God will give us if we simply ask in daily prayer in the name of Christ. One of the loveliest and most inspirational hymns in all of Christendom is He Leadeth Me. Dr. Joseph Gilmore wrote this hymn shortly after graduating seminary in the darkest hour of the Civil War. He was supplying the pulpit on a few occasions at a church in Philadelphia while awaiting a call to his first church. During one particular service, he was intending to expound upon the Twenty-Third Psalm. While he was preaching, he was captivated by the words He leadeth me.

After his sermon, he was visiting with a deacon and others in the church parlor.  While he visited, he “penciled the hymn” while writing and talking at the same time. He then handed what he had written to his wife and apparently forgot about it. Dr. Gilmore’s wife sent the hymn to The Watchmen and Reflector, a newspaper in Boston where it was first printed. Dr. Gilmore did not know that it was inserted into a hymnal until he was preaching as a candidate before the Second Baptist Church in Boston. Entering the chapel, he picked up a hymnal and the people were singing his own hymn, He Leadeth Me.

While preparing the sermon and reading in Psalms, Dr. Gilmore made a statement that I believe is as true as any that has ever been made. He said, “God’s leadership is the one significant fact in human experience that it makes no difference how we are led, or whither we are led, so long as we are sure God is leading us.”

He leadeth me, O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
What e’er I do, where e’er I be, Still ‘tis God’s hand that leadeth me.
—Joseph H Gilmore (1862) set to music by William B. Bradberry

Larry Durrett

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Gift of Forgiveness

“I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
Luke 15:7

I would just like to start this devotional by saying, I fail God daily. No matter how hard I try to be the perfect Christian, in some way or another, I always tend to slip up.

Sometimes I act selfishly, speak or act too quickly, mentally judge other people before fully attempting to understand their situation, etc., etc., etc. If one is not careful, it can be discouraging for Christians to recognize that humans are simply prone to a sinful nature.

Whenever I feel discouraged, and feel like I have succumbed to sin once again, I like to read Luke 15:7. It reminds me of God’s infinite mercy and grace for those who ask His forgiveness. According to this verse, God is happier to see one sinner repent, than He is to see ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to repent. This brings me joy, because I know that even though I’m a sinner, God still loves me. He sent Jesus to die for my sinful ways. Each time I repent and ask forgiveness, I am given the gift of God’s grace, and my heart is made new and perfect again.

So this Advent season, in response to the joy I receive from God’s grace, I am going to be more forgiving towards other people. This simple act of being forgiving towards others shows my gratitude to God for the grace He has shown me, regardless of what sinful act I have committed. In addition, being more forgiving could ultimately bring other people to know Christ, because I would be showing God’s love to them and giving them the same gift of grace God has given me.

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other,
just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32

Dear God, thank you for your gift of grace. Help us to let go of our pride, and be willing to forgive others, just as you are willing to forgive us. Amen

Lindy Lykins

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Advent: Third Sunday

Third Sunday Nativity Reading: Luke 2:1-21

Remember to consider what He's saying and how you will respond.

Record your thoughts, insight, questions, and inspirations regarding Jesus's birth day using words and/or drawings. Use a journal and pen or paper and colored pencils.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

A Gift of Prayer: Confession

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1John 1:9 ESV

Like praise, confession is a gift of faith. We confess our trust in Him and His work on the cross. We confess He is faithful and just, and in Jesus’s name, we confess our sins and trust His complete forgiveness.

Today as a gift of prayer to Jesus, confess your faith in Him as your Lord and Savior. Then confess your sins to Him. Hold nothing back. Trust Him to wash you clean.

Friday, December 9, 2016

A Broken Gift

What will you give Jesus for Christmas?

Me? Oh no, not me… I don’t have anything good enough (special enough, interesting enough) to give the King of kings for his birthday. These were honestly my first thoughts when asked this question.

I sit and try to think of some thing I may possess that is worthy of Him, but I become exhausted counting all of my faults. I try to find something I am good at or something great I have done, but I feel like everything falls short. That’s when I am reminded that He is not looking for one perfect thing from me. All He wants is me… All of me. He knows that I am messy and broken and He wants me anyway.

If you are anything like me, you need to be reminded of this sweet truth — You are the gift that Jesus is waiting for. He wants the good along with the bad, the neat along with the messy and broken. We don’t have to be perfect before we can come to Him. He will meet us right where we are.

How comforting it is to know that He does not need me to be perfectly wrapped and put together. I am the gift He wants, and so are you.

Cassie Bingham

Lord Jesus, I trust You with my brokenness.
I trust it is the gift You want from me.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: Faith

What did Mary’s betrothed find out about her before the wedding?

What did he plan to do about it?

What happened to change his mind?

Joseph is described as a just man in the Scriptures, but this decision also reveals him as a man of faith.

Faith, according to the Bible, is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see (Hebrews 11:1). Joseph took it on faith the dream he had was real and not the result of something he ate. Joseph took it on faith that Mary had been faithful to him and had not been with another man.

Joseph had no physical evidence to prove the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He had nothing tangible to defend his reputation in the community by going through with a wedding to a seemingly tainted bride. Joseph’s gift of faith, in Mary and God, made the way for baby Jesus to have an earthly father.

Have others stepped out in faith for you? How?

Did you recognize their faith as a gift?

When have you faithfully obeyed God when it made no sense to you?

Did you find Him to be faithful?

Thank Him for the gift of faith.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Come to the Hillside

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them?
Psalm 8:3-4

What was it like to have been on that hillside with the shepherds? 

Having returned to East Texas, recently, I am renewed with enthusiasm for star gazing. Here in the piney woods, the night skies are deep and clear and I see so many stars that it overwhelms me! But there are places even darker than these hills, where one can see hundreds, or even thousands more stars, planets, meteors and man-made orbiters.

My thoughts often turn to the shepherds on the hillside the night Christ was born. They were accustomed to seeing the vastness of the night sky, but then something else appeared to them. An angel...and then a multitude of angels! Scripture doesn't elaborate, but says only that they "said to one another, 'Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about'" (Luke 2:15 NIV). That sounds very calm for what must have been a life-changing experience! During these busy days, I challenge you to take a moment, or two or three, to go outside on a clear wintry night and allow yourself to be awed by the work of God's fingers. You may even see an angel!

Rebecca McHenry

Father God, thank You for the gift of Jesus
and the sign He gave us of Your great love.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Gift of Reason

For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…
Ephesians 2:8 ESV

I can hardly put into words what Jesus has done for me since He captured my heart some 23 years ago. Peace. Freedom. Joy. None came easily.

He swept me off my feet during my mom’s fatal illness. He led me to peace through years of fear and anxiety revealing my unbelief. He led me to freedom and joy through a painful season of confession to loved ones of a sin I would rather have kept under wraps. But Oh I wouldn’t trade any of it for where He’s brought me. What He’s given me.

So, what do I give Him? I think back to the beginning of my walk with Him. Choosing to give my life to Him. I also chose to believe Him. I remember telling Him:

I choose to believe Your Word because You say it’s Your Word. If I don’t understand it or it makes absolutely no sense to me, I will still believe it because You say it’s true. I’m wrong and You’re right. I choose to believe You are who You say You are. If You say You are good even when things seem bad. I’m believing You. If You say You are in control of all things, even when things appear totally chaotic. I’m believing You. If You say You hear my prayers, even when I feel like I’m talking to a wall. I’m believing You hear me. If You say it. I’ll believe it. And I’ll obey You to the best of my ability.

You could say I gave Him my reason. I gave Him my understanding, trusting I had none of my own. This was a gift of faith I gave Him and continue to give each day. I suppose you could say I’m giving back to Him what He gave me: faith.

Without giving Him my reason first, I don’t believe I’d have gotten to the place I am now. The journey He’s taken me on has made no sense to me. Steps of faith taken purely by faith have led me closer to Him. Where He continues to increase the gifts of joy, peace, and freedom in my life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 ESV

Lord, today I can hardly believe all the things I’m thankful for.
Hard things You used to bring me to a place I never imagined.
Just as I can hardly imagine You in swaddling cloths in a manger,
I can hardly imagine Your great love for me.

Carol Weaver

Monday, December 5, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: Fellowship

Who did Mary go see?

What did Elizabeth discern before Mary even told her?

How do you think this made Mary feel?

The Word says Mary hastened to Elizabeth after the angel left her with the news of the Son she would bear. She had no confirmation of the miracle taking place in her womb. It was all too early.

One role of the fellowship of Believers is to affirm the gifts we’ve been given by the Spirit. To encourage and rejoice in a call on our lives no matter how big or small.

What gifts have you received from the fellowship of Believers?

How have you gifted others with fellowship?

Ask God to bless you with the giving and receiving of fellowship with other Believers.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Advent: Second Sunday

Second Sunday Nativity Reading: Luke 1:39-55 and Matthew 1:8-25

Remember to consider what He's saying and how you will respond.

Record your thoughts, insights, and inspirations regarding Jesus’s birth day using words and/or drawings. Use a journal and pen or paper and colored pencils.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Gift of Prayer: Praise

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
Psalm 100:4

 Consider the praise of those in the Christmas story:

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. —Mary, Luke 1:46-49

Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them. —Zachariah, Luke 1:68

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those whom his favor rests.
—Angels, Luke 2:14

Look at each praise. What specific things do they praise God for?

Praise was Mary’s response when Elizabeth’s baby leaped for joy in her womb. It was Zachariah’s response when John was born, and the shepherds watched angels praise God above the fields on the night of Jesus’s birth.

The Psalmist wrote, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise.” When we praise God we literally enter His court… the place where His presence dwells. It seems only natural this is where our prayers might begin.

What gift can we bring Jesus as we begin our Advent season? Give Him the gift of praise through prayer.

Friday, December 2, 2016

What Am I Giving Jesus?

What am I giving Jesus for His birthday? Good question…

Well, let’s see… I can’t give a life like the life He gave me and others who choose to follow Him. I can’t create a believing, living, growing person like He gave me a chance to become over the decades living on Father God’s earth. I can’t create the Scriptures His Spirit inspired within those who preserved the Word for the rest of us to study while we wait prayerfully for His return.

So, what is it I can do to honor His Birthday?

I can strive to become more like Him every day… I can love my neighbors with my prayers and presence… I can serve others with the gifts and opportunities God has blessed my life with… and I can witness by leading others to study the Scriptures and by repenting of my own sins.

My prayer is that these are the kind of gifts that would honor the Baby Jesus on His Birthday. Are they enough of a gift to honor the birthday of our Lord and Savior??

God only Knows!

Carol Meyers

Father God, inspire me to give my all for Your Son.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Gift of Peace

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I give to you not as the world gives.
Don’t be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27

“My peace I give you.” Wow! What a gift — the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of comfort in knowing I am never alone and God is in control. PEACE! What an amazing gift to remind myself of when I am saddened by all the turmoil in the world and I know that so many things are beyond my control. PEACE!

My response to this amazing gift? During this Advent season, and beyond, I pledge to share that sense of peace with others. I will not spread or engage in negativity. I will smile more at others, I will strike up conversations with strangers in the check-out line. I will invite people to our Christmas Eve service so they can experience the love of God in the midst of our loving congregation. I will be the hands and feet of Christ. I will love others as Christ has loved me. I invite you to share the Peace of God with me during this joyous Advent season and all year through.

God, thank You for Your amazing gifts: Your Son, Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
and the gift of Peace. Help me not be drawn into negativity but share
Your love openly with others. In Your precious name, amen.

Jerri Lykins

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Children First

In our family, children always come first. It was like that when my sisters and I were growing up and it continues with our children. My Granddaddy (Mom’s dad) grew up in a time when children ate last, after all the adults had finished eating. He always thought that was wrong because he never got the good pieces of chicken, mostly he got the neck. So, when we were growing up, he made sure his grandchildren ate first. I can remember many times eating at the table with only him, my sisters, and my cousins. If there was room, some of the adults could eat with us but we always got the best pieces of chicken.

Those “rules” continue today as our family increases. When we are all together sharing a meal, our children eat first. Someone helps each of the little ones fix their plate, makes sure they have something to drink, and finds them a seat at the table. They are the most important members of our family; they are the JOY in our lives.

We are very fortunate to have so many children in our family. We have three teenagers and eleven under the age of eleven. Of those fourteen, three are boys and the other eleven are girls. Our parents would be filled with joy at the love and laughter that abounds at family gatherings. It is sometimes chaos, but always fun.

A few weeks ago in church, I looked down our row and little hands were singing and doing the motions to “Yes, Lord.”  They were full of joy and our row was full of proud parents and grandparents. I am thankful they are surrounded by a church family that puts children first, just as my Granddaddy did when I was young.

Dear Lord, thank you for the joy you bring to us through our children. Help us to keep them first in our hearts and prayers and never forget the joy you brought to earth on the day that Christ was born. Yes, Lord, yes, Lord, yes yes, Lord.  Amen

At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do. …”
Luke 10:21 (NIV)

Dianna Smith

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gifts of the Nativity: Preparation

What are the names of the two primary characters in this prelude to the Nativity story?

What gift was given to them?

What was the purpose of the gift given them?

Zechariah and Elizabeth are not found in a traditional Nativity scene, but they are primary in the preparation of the people to receive Jesus. Their son, John the Baptizer, made the way for hearts to be prepared for Jesus.

Who prepared the way for you to receive the gift of Jesus’s grace and salvation?

Give thanks for them today and consider how you might prepare the way for others to receive Him too.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Christmas Day: Jesus's Birthday

When we think of birthdays, we think of balloons, presents and cake surrounded by loved ones singing to us and telling us to “Make a Wish.”  

I wonder if Jesus ever had a birthday party? Did he have a cake? Did he get any presents? Did someone hug Him and tell Him they were glad He was in their life on His special day?  

If you could, if it were in the realm of a real, tangible, viable possibility, what would you give Jesus for a birthday gift?

Jesus gives me my whole life over again every single morning and he prayerfully tucks me in each evening. Any gift I could give Him would be woefully inadequate and yet He is pleased with even the least that I feel I have to offer. Even though I can’t give it to Him, I would like to make Him a card and write Him a letter to let Him know what He has meant to me. If it comes from my heart, He will be happy. I also believe that the gifts I can give Him manifest themselves in kindness to others, hugs to grandchildren, sitting still with those that are lost, rejoicing with those that are found, and praying for our nation.

Each day I ask Him to walk with me. And He does. Each day I ask him to help me understand. And he does. Do I wait for Jesus to return? Every day.  

If I could, I would give Jesus a hug, a homemade card and a handwritten letter to tell Him how glad I am He is my life. I am writing my letter to Him today. I hope you will too.

Happy Birthday, Jesus.  

Shirley Grote

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Advent: First Sunday

Today is the First Sunday of Advent. Up through Christmas we will celebrate Advent with a series of devotionals focusing on Jesus's birth day. Events surrounding His birth, gifts He's given and gifts we give Him.

Sundays you will find a Nativity Reading taken from Scripture, which tell us of His birth from both the apostles and the prophets.

Monday through Friday devotionals will be written by members of the congregation of First United Methodist Church - Jacksonville.

Saturdays you will find a gift to give Jesus through prayer.

May you be blessed this season by His Word and the testimonies of those you worship with.

---Grow Team

First Sunday Nativity Reading: Luke 1:5-38

Don't read His Word without letting it have its effect on you. 
Consider what He's saying and how you will respond.

Grab a journal and a pen, or a sheet of paper and some colored pencils. Record your thoughts, insights, and inspirations regarding Jesus’s birth day using words and/or drawings.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 22:6-21
[It's the final reading of the New Testament. Maybe you should open your Bible today.]

And he said to me, "These words are trustworthy and true. ..."
He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon."
Revelation 22:6, 20

If you're holding your Bible, feel its weight. Run your hand across the words on the page. What you're holding is trustworthy and true. It is to be handled with care. Not added to. Not detracted from. We need to tend to His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit, letting Him tend to our soul through Scripture.

His Word prepares us for His coming. And it is something we need to prepare for. 

"Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me,
to repay each one for what he has done. ...
Revelation 22:12

Grow Team hopes our journey through the Gospels and beyond has whetted your appetite for the Word. We pray you will keep seeking Him in it, with a heart prepared to obey. And as our Word says today: Worship God.

If you have completed the reading of the New Testament for the first time by following along since the 170 Challenge through the Gospels, we'd love to know. Use the Comment box below. [If you don't see it, click the post title and scroll to the bottom, the same is true if you're receiving it email. Clicking the title links to the blog.]

Even though we've finished the New Testament, you'll still be hearing from us.
Advent starts Sunday and so does the Advent Devotional.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 22:1-5
[Click the reference above to read online.]

No longer will there be anything accursed...
Revelation 22:1-5

Do you see it?

He will bring us full circle.
No longer will anything be cursed.
What we broke will be fixed.
What we were ban from will be restored.

The tree of life will once again be available for us to eat from. The long night will be over. Once again we will be fully in God's presence. 

What does His Word reveal to you about His character by bringing us from Genesis to Revelation?

Father God, Your grace and faithfulness is unbelievable.
What we broke You will restore. The price we couldn't pay, You did.
Holy is Your name. Awesome is Your character. Steadfast is Your love.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 21:9-27
[Open the Word today with your Bible or the link above.]

And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain,
and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God,
having the glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel...
Revelation 21:10-11

The new Jerusalem, the future home of the Bride, the wife of the Lamb. 
Its gates, the ways to enter in, are ascribed to the twelve tribes of Israel.
Its foundation, the strength and stability, found in the twelve apostles of Jesus.

God chose Abraham, and through him made the way for the twelve tribes of Israel to usher Jesus into the world as a blessing for all peoples.

Now the Lord said to Abram, "... I will bless those who bless you,
and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families
of the earth shall be blessed."
Genesis 12:1, 3 ESV

God's covenant with Abraham makes the way for us to enter His Kingdom, not as blood relatives, but as sons of faith. For it is Abraham's faith, which credited him with righteousness. The covenant holds true for us: By faith we are saved. 

The Twelve apostles represent the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ. By His sacrifice and blood, His death and resurrection, the faithful are able to stand secure in God's Kingdom, without fear of condemnation.

The Old Testament and New. The prophets and apostles. Without both we cannot enter His presence. Still today, there are lessons to be learned, truths to be gleaned as we wait for the coming of His Kingdom.

Lord, move my heart to be in Your Word,
to see it as the entrance into faith,
and the secure footing I have in You.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Verses: Revelation 21:1-8
[Click the reference above to read online.]

And he who was seated on the throne said,
"Behold, I am making all things new."
Revelation 21:5 ESV

Jesus, the One on the throne, tells us to Behold! Look around you! I am making all things new...

Do you see it?
Can you even comprehend it?
He's taking tears... sorrows... injustice... oppression... affliction... evil... disease... horrors... atrocities... and making them new.

There is a new heaven and new earth on its way.
All this we live in now has come, simply to pass away, make the way for new.
But Believers, those who know Him, those who thirst for Him and His righteousness, can live in the old, broken, tainted, corrupt, as if it were already new.

A few years ago, the biblical phrase: And it came to pass... came to mean something new to me, besides the fulfillment of or the arrival of a certain time.

Pass also means continuing on, as in pass by. For me, when a difficult time or trial, an illness or injustice comes along, I say: And it came to pass... meaning, in His sovereignty it will come, it will go, and it will do its work of making all things new.

This first heaven and first earth have come to pass in order for us to be ready for the coming Kingdom which will never pass away.

Also he said, "Write this down, for these words are
trustworthy and true."
Revelation 21:5

Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see the work You are doing now
in the process of making all things new. Keep me focused on
 Your coming Kingdom. Remind me all this around me now
has simply come to pass.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Reading: Revelation 20
[Read the passage in your Bible or online at]

A first resurrection.
A second death.
A temporary reprieve from evil.
A final judgment.

What does it mean?

When I consider prophetic words, I always remind myself of the prophecies of Jesus and how those interpreted it during His first coming. Most missed Him. Those who thought they knew exactly what to look for, were the ones who killed Him. His closest disciples didn't even get what was happening until after it was all said and done. Then He had to explain it to them.

I think it's a mistake to take prophecy and try to figure out what it all means. What it will look like when it happens. But what we can learn from prophecy, what we can glean from prophetic writings with accuracy, is God's character. What does He reveal about Himself in the words and things to come?

  • He has complete power over the devil.
  • He has a special place for those who overcome the world, give their lives for His Word, and resist the beast.
  • He has power to resurrect the dead.
  • He has the authority and power to judge every person whoever lived. He judges each justly.
  • He is the Author of Life.

What have you learned about His character through the reading of Revelation?
How has it affected your faith?

Lord, let me see who You are in Your Word.
Grow my faith by what You reveal.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Reading: Revelation 19:11-21
[Open your Bible or open the Word online by clicking the reference above.]

Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse!
The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True,
and in righteousness he judges and makes war.
Revelation 19:11

The Hero comes riding in on a white horse!

I wonder if this is the origin of heroes riding in on white horses to save the day. Our Hero, Jesus, is invincible. His Day is coming to set all things right! He is King of kings and Lord of lords. And like many heroes, He has a secret identity only He knows.

What is most revealing about His power and the name He is known by?

He is The Word Of God. The same Word who came as a Babe, incognito, into a world of darkness. He came quietly into enemy territory. The first time He came to seek and save the lost. Next time, He comes in full force. The full weight and fire of the Word will have its way. The Word both saves and judges.

We have the Word of God available to us today. What came in the flesh we have in written form, on paper and digitally. Through Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we have access to the Word which judges, saves, and comes to our rescue. It's far better to be judged by His Word now, while there is still time to repent, then on the Day He comes riding in on His white horse.

What weight does His Word have in your life today?
Do you think you should give it greater attention? before He comes riding in the final time? on the final Day?

Jesus, You are The Word of God. You came to make the Way for salvation.
You came to seek and save the lost. But the Day is coming where God's Word
will come with its full wrath for those who continually reject and neglect His Word.
Stir my heart for Your Word. May I know its saving power now, in my daily life.
Power to save others and me.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Verses: Revelation 19:1-10
[Open up the Word, in your Bible, or online by clicking the reference above.]

"...Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory,
for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his Bride has made herself ready;
it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure"---
for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
Revelation 19:7-8

Weddings. Most of us have been involved in a few. Brides ourselves or grooms. Mothers of the bride, fathers of the bride. Best men. Maids of honor. Groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Most put a lot of preparation into this once in a lifetime event. Here we have the marriage of the Lamb, Jesus, to His Bride, the Church. This too a once in a lifetime event. The fulfillment of all His promises.

In preparing for their marriage, brides take a lot of time and energy to find the right dress. The cut and fabric must be perfect. Accessories are carefully chosen: shoes, veil, headpiece, jewelry, flowers. So much goes into the attire of the bride. 

Here, at the marriage of the Lamb, we see the Bride, like all brides, is granted the privilege of making herself ready for the special Day. She can clothe herself in fine linen, bright pure linen, which is the righteous deeds of the saints.

I've always thought the wedding imagery might make it difficult for men to embrace the idea of being Christ's Bride, but remembering the Church universal is His Bride should help. And our pursuit of righteousness, not vanity, should capture men's hearts in preparing for this great Day.

So saints, how much time and energy are you putting into preparing for this Day. The once in a lifetime marriage of the Church to our Savior?

Consider the wedding preparations you've been involved in before... and now translate those to your spiritual life... 

Where does the work of righteousness need to be tended to in your life?
How can you be part of preparing the Bride for her special day?

Lord, help me to put more energy into preparing
for Your marriage to the Church. I want to contribute
to the deeds of righteousness, making her pure and bright.
I make myself available for Your use until the coming Day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 18:14-24
[Click the reference above to read on]

"The fruit for which your soul longed has gone from you,
and all your delicacies and your splendors are lost to you,
never to be found again!"
Revelation 18:14

Those whose hearts are tied up in the wealth of the world will find themselves at great loss on the coming Day. Fine clothes, gold and jewels, all wealth will go up in smoke in a single hour. A lifetime of pursuit and longing, lost in sixty minutes.

It makes me wonder about storing up treasure and His Word comes to mind:

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where
thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is,
there your hearts will be also. ..." ---Jesus
Matthew 6:19-21 ESV

There is a treasure we can pursue with all our hearts, which will never be lost, never be destroyed, never found lacking. His Kingdom. His heart. His Way.

What do you treasure? and where are you storing it up?

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul
he fills with good things.
Psalm 107:8-9 ESV

Father God, redirect the longing of my heart toward You,
Your Kingdom, Your Love, and Your Way.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 18:1-13
[Open the Word today, in your Bible or click above to open it on the web.]

"Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins..."
Revelation 18:4

The fall of Babylon will be great. And those who take part in her sin -- kings and merchants -- will be filled with grief at the sight of her destruction.

I can't help but notice the primary cause of Babylon's destruction, her primary sin, is sexual immorality. Especially in our culture today, where people are divided over whether or not there is such a thing as sexual immorality. The church dividing over the legitimacy or immorality of same sex relations and unions. The general acceptance of couples living out of wedlock. This used to be called the sin of fornication. The disposable nature of marriage. It boggles my mind as one who believes His Word.

And reading His Word to us today, I wonder if we should begin to take a look at just what constitutes sexual immorality. Who does truly get to define right and wrong? moral and immoral?

Then the question comes to mind: When the call comes for His people to come out of Babylon, will they hear it? Or will Babylon's deception cause them to miss it? If there is no fear of sexual immorality, will it mean anything when He calls: Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins? Will some of us think: Sin? What sin?

Sexual immorality. According to Him who established the world says there is such a thing. Maybe we would be wise to consider the question. Bring it to Him. And let Him define sin.

The Lord reigns; let the peoples tremble!
He sits enthroned upon the cherubim; let the earth quake!
The Lord is great in Zion; he is exalted over all the peoples.
Let them praise your great and awesome name! Holy is he!
The King in his might loves justice.
You have established equity; you have executed justice
and righteousness in Jacob. Exalt the Lord our God;
worship at his footstool! Holy is he!
Psalm 99:1-5 ESV

Father God I praise You as holy! The One who defines righteousness.
Let me not be deceived by the ways of the world. Open my heart to Your truth.
I do not want to miss Your call.