Wednesday, March 29, 2017

In the Wilderness: Exodus 4

Moses begins his journey toward Egypt: Exodus 4
Read it in your Bible or at by clicking the reference above.

At a lodging place on the way the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it and said, "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me!"
Exodus 4:24-25

Here's an odd part of Moses's story. One we don't hear much about. One hard to ignore because of its mystery.

Moses obeyed God's call. He packed up his family and headed toward Egypt. But on the way the Lord met him and sought to put him to death. What changed between the burning bush encounter and the journey toward Egypt? Why would God call Moses as a savior for His people and then stop him along the way to kill him?

Our relationship with God is full of mystery. All we can be assured of is His goodness, love, and justice. He does no wrong. So, in all of this strange story there is good. God is not at fault here, but Moses.

Zipporah, Moses's wife, clearly knew the problem, so surely did Moses. He neglected to circumcise one of his sons. Perhaps Moses circumcised their first son, but the practice may have been foreign and offensive to his wife. Maybe she interfered with the second son's circumcision and Moses allowed it. We don't really know the details, but we do know Moses had not been obedient to the covenant established by God with his forefather Abraham (Genesis 17:9-14).

Moses was entering a personal call on his life, but before we can be prepared to fulfill the personal, we must be attentive and faithful to the commands God places on all His people. Before leaving on the journey, he should have taken stock of his spiritual life. Made sure of his faithfulness to the first things before taking the steps toward his personal calling.

It's been my experience, God does not call us to personal ministry until we are faithful in the small things, the basics. Following His general way in the world through faithfulness to His Word and prayer, will lead to His calling you to begin using your personal spiritual gifts. The specific works He created you for.

His master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant.
You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. ..."
Matthew 25:21 ESV

Zipporah quickly took care of the matter threatening her husband's life. Then she did something to make the story even more odd. She took her son's foreskin and touched Moses's feet saying: Surely, you are a bridegroom of blood to me! Her bridegroom, her husband, brought a bloody covenant into her life, but it was one which saved the life of her husband and therefore her entire family. Could they have survived away from her family out in the wilderness between Midian and Egypt?

But here's even a greater mystery. God's people have a Bridegroom of Blood too. Jesus. Our Savior. Our Bridegroom. Shed His blood on the cross so we might be forgiven all our sins. In Him, we no longer have to fear the wrath of God for neglectful sins of omission or unconscious offenses. The Holy Spirit will certainly bring sinful failures to our attention through conviction, and we will not be free from the consequences of willful sin, but we do not have to fear death.

On your journey of faith, be attentive to first things first, the little things, so you will be prepared to hear the greater call God has for your life. The personal call using the spiritual gifts unique to you. And no matter how far your faith journey takes you, continue to be mindful of the basics: Time in His Word. Prayer. Trusting obedience. 

Lord, my relationship with You is filled with mystery,
but I recognize when I don't understand something or am offended by Your way,
the problem is with me and not You. Thank You for being my Bridegroom of Blood
who cleanses my sins by Your sacrifice. Grow me to boldly and faithfully
pursue acts of faith, both corporate and personal.

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