Monday, March 27, 2017

In the Wilderness: Exodus 2

Read today's passage: Exodus 2
Open it up in your Bible or online by clicking the reference above.

And they said, "An Egyptian delivered us from the hand of the shepherds,
and he also drew enough water for us and watered the flock."
Exodus 2:19 NKJV

Moses. Born a Hebrew slave in the nation of Egypt. Born with a death sentence on his head.

Moses. Rescued by Pharaoh's daughter. Raised as an Egyptian prince.

Moses. When grown, went to his Hebrew brothers to look on their suffering. Fought to save them. Judged between them. Killed. Mediated.

Moses. Discovered by Pharaoh as a killer of an Egyptian. Ran to the wilderness.

Moses. I think he suffered an identity crisis. Born a Hebrew, raised an Egyptian. He identified with the slaves, longed to rescue them, understand them. In the end, he was rejected by both.

By the time he got to the land of Midian, he didn't know who he was. The daughters of Reuel saw him as Egyptian. He made no effort to correct them.

As children of faith, Believers, we follow a similar pattern in life. We are born slaves to sin. Then drawn out of certain death by the Son of the King. We are raised in a new life, but still we are drawn to the ways of the world. Pulled back to our roots.

Of course, this is a negative image of what Moses went through. A reverse image. But the struggle is the same to find out who we are. Who we are in Christ. Who we are in the world. Sometimes we just don't know where we belong. And we run away.

Sanctification. The process of becoming holy in a wholly unholy world. God uses whatever comes into our path, whatever desires form in our hearts, to move His children toward Him. We haven't read much of Moses's story yet, but most have a surface knowledge of his story. He was on a journey to become a great leader of God's people. A savior.

In the same way we saw Joseph struggle, we'll watch Moses struggle. In it all, we should identify our own struggles too. God working in us, sons and daughters of the King, learning and growing into who He's created us to be.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 NKJV

Father God, when I find myself in crisis, wondering who I am,
remind me You are at work to mold me and shape me
for the specific work You created me for.
Remind me I am Yours.

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