Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Back to the Beginning: Genesis 41:1-36

In today's passage, Joseph is remembered.
Click on the link to read more: Genesis 41:1-36

After two whole years... Consider where you were two whole years ago. What were you doing? Can you remember the prayers you were praying? What hopes you had?

Two years is a long time, but finally the cupbearer remembers. This is not an accident or coincidence. God knew. God's plan was in motion to save Egypt, and to free Joseph long before Joseph was sold into slavery. The cupbearer remembered in just the right time and place. He remembered because God reminded him.

Joseph was a foreigner in a strange land of unbelievers. He was a Hebrew serving one God in the midst of Egyptians serving many. We'll soon read God's plan was to use a nation of unbelievers to save those who believed. Seems somewhat backwards doesn't it? God using those worshipping pagan gods to save His very own people. It may be backwards, but it is exactly what God did.

It gives us hope in our world today. Because there are times we find ourselves believing in God and wondering what will happen as the number of Believers seems to be shrinking. Will there only be a few left? How will God accomplish His plan?

Joseph's story reminds me, God uses whoever He chooses to accomplish His purpose in our lives... His purpose in the world. So do not be dismayed by the headlines screaming doom and gloom. Don't get discouraged over ungodly politicians and wayward leaders. God works in, around, and through all things to not only remember His children... but bless them!

Oh Lord Jesus, I too am a foreigner in a strange land of unbelievers.
Fill me with hope and praise, because nothing will stop Your plan and purpose.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-37 NASB

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