Thursday, December 19, 2013


adjective \pyu̇r\
(1) :  unmixed with any other matter <pure gold>
(2) :  free from dust, dirt, or taint <pure springwater>

I didn’t want a word. I was prepared to cheer on my friends during their “word” themed year-long travels, but never really wanted to participate myself. I was even ready to be inspired by and learn from their lessons of faith during their journeys, but God had a different plan.

Within two weeks into this year, I reluctantly gave in to the fact that I had been divinely given “a word”. (Whether I wanted one or not.) How did I know? When I heard the word, a not-so-common word, five times in a twenty-four hour period I knew He was trying to tell me something. The third and fourth time were a coincidence, but the fifth…Well, there was no denying that it was meant for me. I was meant to have “a word”.

Pure. That was my word.

I prayed about it. I defined it in the dictionary. I read scripture on it. I have even forgotten about it a week or two here or there. Throughout the year, the same idea kept coming back to me every time.

Live pure.

Well great. How do I do that? Pure means clean, spotless, untainted, just as it was made, mixed with nothing else. That’s not me. So what does it mean to live pure? Think pure? Speak pure? Eat pure? Love pure? Give pure?

When I think of Living Pure in this broken, imperfect world it seems impossible. It would be like being dropped from a helicopter in the middle of the ocean and trying to stay dry.

But then I think of the one human who did it. We have a great example of what it looks like to be pure. Christ was pure. Completely pure. Clean, untainted by this world, sinless. There it is. To live pure is to be without sin. I know I cannot and will never be able to measure up to the example Christ has shown, but I can wake up everyday trying to be more like Him. Try and live a more pure life.

1 John 1:7 Tells us this, “But if we walk in the light, as He is the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, PURIFIES us from all sin.”(emphasis added)

It seems to be a perfect way to wrap up this year. To celebrate the birth of the one who came to purify me.  Another word for pure in the Greek language is innocent. That baby, so innocent, so pure. I hope this Christmas season you will take time to appreciate the pure joy, pure peace and pure love God sent us in the form of an innocent little baby named Jesus.

Lacy Matejka

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