Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Songs of Praise: Psalm 59-60

Psalm 59-60
Click the link above to read the songs of praise.

Life is unfair. People are mean. We feel helpless and powerless because we are overwhelmed. Basically, sin is in full force in our world.

Try as we might, we don't have the ability to do anything about it. Sure, we can live our lives as examples of Christ's love and do our best to abide by His laws and precepts. But many times, people just don't care. They are bound to their path and want to do things their way, not even considering God, or for that matter another person.

Though all around us many seem to have lost their heads, we must keep to what we know in our heads and hearts. Don't be fooled by their carelessness and callousness, thinking God isn't watching. He is and He wants to know where our loyalty lies.

So where can we turn for judgment and righteousness? God. He is watching. He will judge in His time. Those who are faithful will be shown as good servants. And the evil ones will also be shown and judged accordingly.

Serving God is often hard and backbreaking. We will be asked to endure much, just as the psalmist did. And how will we do it? Check out this picture.

How did that flower get there? It was a seed that planted roots and was watered by God to make it grow.

Our job then is to maintain a close relationship with Jesus our Savior. To keep Him at the forefront of our minds at all times, so we are not defeated or swayed. To remember His power and strength is beyond measure and He will redeem us at just the right time.

So, get planted in His Word... make strong roots... don't be swayed... stay the course...

Allow God to grow you into a beautiful flower for His glory! It just might inspire others to glorify Him too.

In his unfailing love, my God will stand with me.
He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies.
Psalm 59:10 NLT

Lord, You alone can make me grow when I choose to plant myself in Your Word. May I bring You glory with my life, so triumph over my enemies might be through turning their hearts toward You.

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