Friday, November 4, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Revelation

Today's Scripture: Revelation 13
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Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
Revelation 13:10

There was a season in my walk with God where I would remind myself when things didn't go right or just seemed difficult: This is a test, this is only a test.

For you know that when your faith is tested,
your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow,
for when your endurance is fully developed,
you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
James 1:3-4 NLT

The Christian walk is a walk of continual testing. For the testing and trials of faith lead to spiritual maturity. And here we read of a very big test of faith. Two great beasts alongside the dragon.

These beasts are given authority to persecute Christians. Kill Christians. The biggest test of faith we will face is believing in the goodness and sovereignty of God while His people are being targeted and murdered. But note. These beasts have no authority of their own. It is given to them. Who's the only One who can give authority? God.

Who has spoken and it came to pass,
unless the Lord has commanded it?
Lamentations 3:37 ESV

Understanding God is still the One in authority and gives authority is a place we need to stand in faith. Trusting He has our good and His glory at the core of all He allows.

Another test of faith: fear. Fear of death. Having the belief and faith to trust God in the face of death, continue to fear Him more than man. This was a lesson Jesus taught His disciples and still teaches through His Word.

"I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body,
and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you
whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has authority
to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you fear him!..."
Luke 12:4-5 ESV

Yes. Big beastly tests of faith are on the horizon. So how do we prepare? Daily. With each little test of faith. With each little temptation. Each little trial. Each little slight. Choose to put your faith in Him and the work He is doing in you through it: This is a test, this is only a test.

Lord, may I receive each testing of faith remembering You are behind it,
in authority over all things. Remind me You are preparing me for bigger
battles, greater tests of faith. I choose to trust You and fear You above all else.

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