Monday, December 8, 2014

Mary and the Angel

How often do we question the power of our God? I used to much more than I have in the last few years, as I have grown in my faith.

Luke 1:26-38 tells the story of an angel speaking to Mary. The angel of God tells her she will have the baby Jesus, although she is a virgin. She must have been quite baffled. The angel then told her the details of the arrival and explained that his kingdom will never end. Did Mary understand this? Probably not.

There are often times that I, too, question the things that have come my way in my journey on this earth. And the one thing that helps me to answer them are my private meditations with my Bible in hand. I understand the power of my faith and depend on it, not only in difficult times, but in my everyday life. I stand on the Rock and know, for sure, what verse 37 says, "For nothing is impossible with God." Mary told the angel that if it is His will, she will serve. And, boy did she.

Praise the Lord, I am His child. And I shall serve.

How has the miracle of that Angel changed who you are?  Do you have the willingness to serve, without questioning why God has led you in that direction. I sure hope so.

Elaine McDonald

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