Monday, October 10, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Jude

Today's Scripture: Jude 17-25
(Click on the link or open your Bible to read today's passage.)

They said to you, "In the last time there will be scoffers,
following their own ungodly passions." It is these who cause divisions,
worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.
Jude 18-19

The prophesy of the apostles still stands today. All around the world division takes root, followers of Christ are mocked, and ungodly passion drives many to do ungodly things. Sometimes it feels like the whole wide world is devoid of the Spirit.

The author of Jude gives us a plan... encouraging words to help us persevere. yourself up in your most holy faith. Take time to worship, steep yourself in His Word, talk about the wonders of God with others.

...pray, pray, pray.

...keep yourself in love with God. Give thanks for the blessings of each day. mercy to others. 

When we practice these things, God is faithful to reveal the world is not devoid of the Spirit. No, I would say it is the exact opposite. He is alive and working in all things for our good... for the good of others... for the good of the entire world!

Lord Jesus, remove the spirit of scoffing from me.
Reveal where I cause division and follow ungodly passions.
Purify my heart, Lord, as only You can.
Fill me with a desire to build up my holy faith, to pray,
to love You more each day, and show the same mercy to others
as You have so graciously shown me.

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