Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Verses: 1 Peter 3:1-7
(Click on the link to read today's verses.)

Christian theology teaches marriage is a partnership. Growth challenges not only knowledge of the other person but growth in the knowledge of the Lord as well. There is a spiritual depth that marriage provides the husband and wife as heirs together of the grace of God. It is enhanced by praying together and not simply living together in mutual love and respect.

But what if the home is divided? That is, what if one or the other is not a Christian? This is hard. I observed first hand this situation as I was growing up. My parents were good people---but I sensed there was something lacking as they interacted.

No doubt my mom's Christian commitment suffered as she endured much less happiness and joy. Peter admonishes the partners to be devoted both to each other and the Lord. Will this solve all their differences? Of course not. Marriage is after all a covenant with humans involved.

Peter also addresses behavior that would be fashionable or going to worldly extremes. These all call attention to the self and challenges one's devoted Christian witness. Peter directed thought instead to beauty that comes from within.
Thought for today: God our Father gives us a gentle, quiet spirit and teaches us what to value as precious.
Father, lead us to seek to live in harmony with everyone with a kindhearted, humble spirit... Amen.

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