Friday, September 2, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-25
(Click on the link to read the verses for today.)

Trials can challenge the genuineness of our Christian faith like no other. How are Believers to meet suffering? Peter pictures trials that Believers endure as the intense heat used to refine gold (1 Peter 1:6-7). Through suffering we can be led to a deep awareness of our relationship with God. Grace is given as Jesus is revealed. We can never dismiss God's call to holy living. Our lives should give evidence of the living presence of the Divine.

We live in hope through the living and enduring Word of God in Christ which will stand forever. The greatest evidence is the unexplained joy we can know despite all kinds of trials. Our faith and living hope is in God who gives us new life through the blood of Jesus. It is His sacrifice that redeems us from our old way of living. This wonderful promise of redemption is made possible through His Spirit.
Thought for today: Jesus is indeed the shepherd and guardian of our soul.
Lord, it is our desire to find favor for conscience sake and to honor You who suffered for us. Help us follow in Your footsteps... Amen.

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