Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: 1John

Today's verses: 1 John 3:11-24
[Click the link above to read online.]

Jesus set the standard for love, for He laid down His life for all. Love calls for action and truth. When we truly have the love of God in us, we are moved by the brother or sister in need and willingly surrender our possessions for their comfort. His love in us causes us to act.

God's Spirit is a living witness within and the cause for a living fellowship with God. The secret of answered prayer is obeying God and seeking to please Him. By doing so Believers abide in Him and when one abides in Him, they can pray with power.

The indwelling Holy Spirit yearns to unite all Believers in a wonderful fellowship of love and a spirit of unity. Always seek to yield to the Spirit and obey His Word.
Thought for today: Out of love Christ willingly laid down His life for us.
Dear Lord, help us live in the Spirit of unity always yielding to Your Spirit. 

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