Thursday, September 15, 2016

Beyond the Gospels: Peter

Today's reading: 2 Peter 1:16-21
[Open up your Bible or open up the link above to read today's passage.]

The Word of God is the only dependable light we have in this world. God's Word is from God. It is not of human origin. The Prophets were carried along, guided by the Holy Spirit. They opened their lives to God. We should too. We can be inspired by their being an eyewitness to His mystery.

Peter views the Scriptures as being more certain than experience. Because paying attention to the Word will provide light and guidance in our very present dark world.

Christ is the Day Star to the Church. The Day Star will arise and take His people home. The Spirit gave the Word and the Spirit must teach the Word. The ideas of humankind cannot be depended on. Judgment and healing come through Christ, the Son of Righteousness.
Thought for today: The Holy Spirit guided the Prophets of old, and through Christ the Spirit opens the way for God's truth to be known today.
Direct us, O holy Creator, by Your light.

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